The kindly folks of The Gutter Skypes invited us to playtest a Fiasco scenario with them, and Tonya and Kev were able to attend.
If anyone is interested in hearing us play an Actual Game with real live humans (rather than Craig and Ben, though that just raises more questions…) the show is Session 127 available here.
Mark Kinney from All Games Considered was our guide and native-bearer for Fiasco, which was particularly relevant given we’d never played the game before and Kev in particular had No Clue. (You can tell.) Anim, Nikki, and Andros from The Gutter Skypes leant their talents to the escapades, and Fun Was Had.
It was a BLAST! We were all revved up to test out all the stuff we scribbled in the playset – and were charged up further by having cool GUESTS from the other side of the World!
“…and Kev in particular had No Clue.” <<== That may be the claim, but Kev came up with three of the most memorable quotes of the whole session. One of my favorites: Spoken to his character's criminal compatriot " ..hey, this is a CAPER. I've seen 'Ocean's 11' I know what I'm doing!"
You'll also hear Tonya deftly instilling her character with warmth and compassion as she deals with a Maniacal Filk Singer on one hand and a Tragically Heroic Ex-Husband on the other. A Good Time was had INDEED!
Many Thanks to The Big Red Couch for joining in!
Always a joy to see cross overs like this and playtest sessions to boot. Part of the ‘fun’ of listening to Fiasco actual plays is that I keep a running commentary (to myself, wouldn’t want to freak out the co-workers) of the choices I would have made.
Ok, now I’m curious. What would you have done differently?
I know I would have liked to see more done with the heist plotline, but I think I thought there’d be more turns to get it out there. As a Fiasco newbie, I’m more used to games where you get to explore everything you want to, but with Fiasco’s tight structure you really need to choose early. I also think that we could have stood to be meaner to each other for the good of the story, but because we hadn’t gamed together before we may have been trying to make a good impression. *The More You Know*
I had a lot of fun and everyone over at the Gutter Skypes were really nice to us. With luck they’ll let us play again!