Snowfall In Berryfields

So, this happened.

I’d thought it was pretty quiet out there, even for a Sunday morning, and when I looked out … Yep, there was a reason.

Naturally, I went for a walk, and because there’s not really a lot of Berryfields to walk to, ended up at the train station.

Where, despite the signage, there were no trains.

Inexplicably, Nymphadora wanted to go outside a lot, possibly to watch the snowflakes.

It slowed down, but hasn’t shown any sign of stopping, and the trains aren’t running out this far.

Alternate forms of transport may be required.

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Holiday 2018: The Voyage Home

Yes, I’ve already started planning.

And what of it?! 

Gen Con is at the start of August next year, which means that for about three weeks of leave, I could be in NZ in time for π Approximation Day, spend about a week in-country, then go to Gen Con 51, then back to the UK.

Nothing’s booked yet, in part because it’s still too early for airlines to even tell you their schedule for the dates involved, but the rough idea would be;

  • Leave the UK on Tuesday 17th of July, get to NZ on Thursday 19th.
  • Spend a little over a week in NZ – it’d be nice to visit the Wellington folks, and I’ve got a bunch of Airpoints with AirNZ to make that happen.
  • Fly out to Indianapolis on the weekend of the 28th/29th.
  • Fly back to the UK on the 7th of August.

If you’ve got any thoughts, suggestions, or can spot any flaws in the vague plan, please sing out.

(I have thought about breaking up the 24 hours of flight time on the UK to NZ leg, but … I’m not sure that a night of jet-lagged sleep midway is any more use than that same night on arrival)

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This Year’s Gen Con Firsts

For the first time, a game with no female players was noticeable for that reason. There’s one game where I genuinely cannot remember, but I very much get the vibe that the gender ratio is very slowly shifting.

Two different games had pre-teen players. That’s a new one on me.

First time I’ve seen the X-Card used outside of an ‘indie’ games group. This was regular old transhumanist sci-fi horror game, … you know, I’ll just end that one there 

The X-Card is more or less what it sounds like; A card with an X on it.

The idea is that if anyone finds something in a game uncomfortable, they can tap or gesture to or pick up and wave the X-Card, and we all move on, no questions asked.

I’ve never seen it used, but I damn near ran an opening session of a game which would have had one of the players lunging wildly for said card. Fortunately, a chance remark gave me time to re-write it.

First time I had to bail on an event due to poor spoon-management.

First time I’ve had a GM list their preferred pronouns on a little name card. I’d seen the occasional person who had them on a badge ribbon; No idea where the ribbons came from.

First time I’ve not been the person who traveled the furthest. I wasn’t even #2 on the list, as there was someone from sonewhere in Sweden, and someone from Rome.

From NZ, it was possible to have come from further away, if you were from Australia.

From the UK, … Pretty easy.

The person who traveled the furthest is almost certainly from Western Australia.

First time making characters at the game table; Normally it’s pre-gens all the way, but given that the two games were Masks & QAGS, there wasn’t much chance of character Gen eating up the session.

Masks uses the Apocalypse Engine, so Character Generation is mostly ‘circle the option’ + ‘fill in the blank’.

QAGS is a very simple system; The hard part is the concept. Once you have THAT, the rest is pretty easy. In the game of it I ran, a player known for analysis paralysis was able to make a character, from initial concept to being ready to go, in about 15 minutes.

And because I’d like to put in an image; I never saw this guy, but I did see a soapbox literalist ranter. Me, I prefer this approach;

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On Navy Pier, Surrounded By Chicageau

There are a couple of really big statues North of the river.

No idea who the other guy is, and it only now occurred to me t go and see whether there’s a plaque, but the vibe I’m getting is “Dude, I can actually see the rabbit in that hat; You are a terrible magician.”

Some more wandering, in the direction of Navy Pier, took me to an urban beach.

I tried to line up some sort of panning shot where I start in sub-tropical island paradise, and end in Chicago, but I couldn’t make it work.

I was, however, pretty happy with this line-up.

And this garden on Navy Pier, with the water-jet fountains, is really quite relaxing.

That’s about it.
One day I’ll remember that, immediately after a big event like Gen Con, I really don’t feel like going to do tourist stuff; I’m more into chillaxing.

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My Stupid YouTube Videos

I thought I’d see what the ‘share to WordPress’ option from YouTube did, to see whether I could post a link to the whole playlist.
It works, but does want to call it “Watch “Holiday 2017″ on YouTube”, which … isn’t going to fly. I have low standards, but not that low.

Here’s the Playlist; I add new videos to the end of the list as I make them
what slightly horrifies me is that I have subscribers

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Who’s Yer State?

Well, despite the shenanigans with the safe, or perhaps aside from the shenanigans with the safe, I got on the train out of Indy without issue.

I don’t really have a picture of that happening, so here’s a picture of the Arts Garden off the Circle Centre Mall, hanging over an intersection like a Concrete UFO.

Getting to the train station, which is also the Greyhound station, is an easy walk.
At 5am, however, not one I want to do while looking that much like a tourist, so … I didn’t. (it was pointed out that I might also look like military folk, or maybe homeless, so it’s a crapshoot on being robbed, thanked for my service, or offered some change) 

The announcements at the station were hilariously incomprehensible. I understood more of the content & specifics of the announcements on the Dubai Metro than I did of these, and I don’t speak Arabic, and surprisingly that’s not an exaggeration.

It was the usual strange mix of passengers, some first-timers, some old hands, and the ever-present probably Amish, with their enormous coffee cups. Relatively few business class travelers, which sort of surprises me, because those seats are pretty damn cheap.

I did get some nice shots of Indy at night. 

And in about 5 hours (there’s a time zone shift during the journey, just to confuse things, so you spend five hours on the 0600-1000 train) we got to Chicago.
I immediately set myself up in the Metropolitan Lounge, for the comfy seats and the bag check and the drinks. Also the array of nibbly vegetable things. Couldn’t check into a hotel that early anyway, and I was wiped.

Once enough time passed I made my way to the hotel, and saw one of the bridges in action, which was new for me. 

I tried taking video, but it was kind of dull to watch.

At this point, I’m genuinely not sure whether hotels are letting me check in early because I’ve got the loyalty membership, or just because they want me the hell out of their lobby. I’m fine with either.

Really didn’t do much for the rest of the day.
Got a souvenir for someone who’d asked for one (*waves*) , had some semblance of BreakfastLunch (the on-train food for the Hoosier State tends toward the White Castle end of the spectrum) , and discovered that I’d managed to spread stuff with batteries in it all through Big Red, so it took a while to dig all of that crap out.
Star Trek: TNG being on the TV didn’t help, but neither did feeling a bit tired and reading a bunch of Gen Con Forum posts about Con Crud/Con Plague/Nerd Pox.

Plans for tomorrow?
We’ll see. We’ll see what I feel like doing with the day, and what the weather is like.

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The Things They Didn’t Carry

Chatting to the security lady last night while we waited for Lou from engineering, and the topic of lost property came up.

Apparently the thing that had them run ragged for Gen Con was the stuff people forgot in their rooms, which housekeeping then found, and which had to be collected by security.
Sometimes it was something simple, like a phone charger.
Other times, a game.
Sometimes, so many boxed games that they had to make multiple trips to transport it all.

Her guess was that it was maybe 80 cases on Sunday, and 80 on Monday. The JW has a shade over 1000 rooms, many of which were Gen-Conners, which makes it look like 15-20% of people left something behind.

I used the torch on my phone to check under the bed & chair after hearing about that.

How in the name of all that’s fuzzy do you forget a stack of full-size game boxes?

Leaving Indy Early Hours Of De Morning

It’s 0511h, that’s the best I’ve got.

As a side note, the announcements here at the combined Greyhound/Amtrak station are hilariously incomprehensible. I picked out the last few sentences, but as for the rest, I quite honestly understood more of the announcements on the Dubai Metro, and those were in Arabic.

There were some late evening shenanigans, when the room safe failed to respond to button presses. I’ve had that before, but never when my passports were locked inside.

A nice security lady came by with the unlock device (I figured there has to be such a thing, and there was a wee port on the front) but couldn’t do anything because the thing didn’t do button presses. Then Lou from maintenance/engineering came by, removed the whole front of the lock, and swapped out the batteries. (It took 5 AAs) 

Packing up Big Red went well; Things just fitted.

A friend from Aylesbury had asked if I’d pick up some things for him, but with the pack … There was just no way I could fit any game box. I had the mass allowance, it was the volume that was the issue; Some of the items on the list were double-depth boxen, and … They’d have been brushing the sides of an empty Big Red.
Y’all saw that pile of swag, right?

One of the things I like about catching the trains in this area is that you quite often see folk who I’d call Amish. Might not be the right name, but you get the idea. They’re just waiting on a train in their traditional clothes, often with enormous cups of coffee.

After all of that traveling, it was only this morning that I realised that I can get the waistband of Big Red out of the way by fastening it around the bottom of the pack, for situations where I’ll not be wearing it for long enough to need to take the load off my shoulders.


Starting with the VIG Free Stuff, to give a sense of the scale of the thing;

OK, I say ‘free’.
In reality, I paid a lot more for my badge, so that I can guarantee a close-by hotel. The swag above & below is a part of that, so in one sense it’s free, because I didn’t buy or select it, but in another sense, I’ve paid for it.
Free Peanuts, not Free Beer.

Combined with the coffee urn in the VIG Lounge, that Mayfair Travel Mug thing was a lifesaver.

The gold Gen Con 50 die was part of the swag, the red Scotty’s die was a giveaway for eating there & ordering off the Gen Con menu.
I know folks who’ll eat there every day, just so that they get every day’s dice, as they are different colours. Me, I just can’t eat that many pickle chips.

Not sure what’s happening with the image rotations, but I can’t fix it on the phone, or at least on this  phone.

If this thing makes it back, in a soft-sided tramping pack, I’ll be amazed.

Probably the single most useful item I’ve ever had in a swag bag; 10,000 mAh power pack, solar and USB chargable, with two USB outputs and a lamp.

No idea.
Don’t know the game, but there wasn’t any kind of donation bucket, and I wondered what the die was like.

OK, on to the stuff I bought.

There’s a set of dice for each Gen Con, which makes a fun & useful souvenir.

Why yes, those are solid steel Fate dice.
And a solid steel D20 the size of a golf ball.

They were out of the Masks RPG when I found the booth, but I got the cards anyway; I can buy the book online.

Monday: The Moon Goddess Takes The Sun From Us

Steven & Moni checked out on Monday morning, with half of the vendor hall, it seems.

I’m not 100% on this, but I think that’s a section of a Crystal Caste booth poking out from behind the suitcase.

Did brunch with a friend from Chicago, for whom this was her very firse Gen Con, so it was great fun hearing about all of the stuff she’d done & seen.
And then there was the eclipse.
Naturally, it was cloudy.

I’ve put up all of the photos I took, but selfie camera through filter glasses from a magazine slipcover that I filched from the Metropolitan Lounge in Chicago does not make for a great shot.
Could maybe have tried to use the main camera, with a bigger lens, but this is realistically a job for a solarscope, not a cellphone.

It took one of the other folks (I’d set up on a low wall at the entrance to White River Park, and various other folks wandered oer to join me; There were people outside the hotel across the road too, but the wall option meant that you could sit, and eclipses tke a while) to point out that it felt cooler as the eclipse happened. It never got darker than “Storm’s A-Comin’ “, but even with no clouds in the way, you couldn’t really feel the sun on your skin, and for the first time since I’d been there, the air didn’t feel hot and humid.

And to close this post out, I found the sketch I tried to do of a Cat wearing plate-mail.

I’m not good at drawing.