51st & Green

US Preclearance in Dublin was pretty damn uneventful.

I was hazy on the photography rules post-preclearance, so I didn’t take pictures of the Last Chance To Get Your Twee Shit kiosk. I mean, it wasn’t called that on any sign, but it’s clearly what was going on.

I was tempted by a “Feck It; Sure, It’s Grand” shirt, in the style of “Keep Calm And Carry On”

It also wasn’t the last chance; There were more opportunities to purchase a plushy Leprechaun, or an actual Guinness.

~~~~~ editing to add ~~~~

this isn't relevant in any way, I just wanted to add an image

this isn’t relevant in any way, I just wanted to add an image

Most of my fellow passengers for the next bit are USA-ians. When heading through to the Connecting Flights section in Dublin Airport (near as I can tell it has no specific name) I was following the crowd towards some sort of passport control booth system, but got diverted into the EU passport bypass lane by a nice pre-queue people wrangler.

I was the only one in that lane.

Waiting On A Plane

I’m writing this offline due to poor free wifi time-management. And because having used the free allowance for plebs in the procss of getting signed up for the longer allowance for Heathrow Rewards members, the system is sticking to “Time’s Up, Prole” and not letting me wave my “I’m A Special Snowflake” identity to get more.

Meh, such is life.

Slept pretty well in my quite purple Yotel cabin (I’d have called it very purple in the past, but then I stayed at a hostel in Edinburgh, part of the SafeStay chain, who have branded purple pillowcases, duvet covers, and bedsheets. Yotel need to up their game on the purpleness if they want to play in the SafeStay pool) and made it through eleventy-billion tunnels, escalators, and hallways to an utterly uneventful check-in.
Even got to help out some folks who’d missed the check-in robot entirely & joined the bag drop queue thinking it was check in. Granted, said help was mostly clarifying that they did need to visit those machines over there, and that the machines would give them their boarding passes.

as a side note, typing on my blootooth* keyboard on my lap with the phone balanced on one knee works surprisingly well, though I do need to adjust the keyboard every line or so.

* that was a typo. I did mean to type bluetooth, but I’m keeping it.

I should find out what gate I need for the UK-Ireland leg in the next few minutes.
Maybe Dublin airport has free wifi too?
Does Dublin airport have a name? I’d look it up, but; Living in the dark ages here. 

On the plane, in the air, flying over a sea of clouds. And maybe actual sea too, somewhere under the aforementioned clouds.

The very small carry-on bag seems to be doing the job; All it’s holding are the one vital medication, travel documents, and all of the electrical/electronic stuff. And anything with a battery. 

Fits under the seat without an issue, which is handy, as this is an all-hands gate-check-your-enormous-rolling-cabin-bag no-free-space flight. They did tell people that they’d be gate checking larger items, due to it being a full flight.

Yep; Dublin has free WiFi.

Also, the flight was routed over Milton Keynes & out over Wales, so I must have flown pretty close to Aylesbury.

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Mission Elapsed Time: -15h Or So?

Things went more or less to plan.

The More is that I’m here in my cabin at Heathrow Terminal 4, with my stuff, ready to fly out tomorrow.

The Less is that I had to go back to my residence (yeah, that didn’t sound clumsy at all) to drop off my rent for the month, as I forgot to get it sorted out yesterday. Rent day’s tomorrow, and that’s when my calendar reminder is, …

Finished up work things, had an uneventful train + tube + train + train trip to get here, and now I’m contemplating a spot of dinner.

Does Anyone Still Watch This Space?

It’s Wednesday night. I fly out on Saturday midday-ish, though I’m leaving Aylesbury on Friday night & spending the night in an airport hotel, as I wasn’t sure how long it’d take to get to Heathrow on a Saturday morning.

And because staying in a hotel inside the terminal is kind of fun.

Haven’t 100% decided how to travel-blog this time around. I’m not taking Pangur Ban, my laptop, but I am taking a smartphone and a Bluetooth keyboard, so typing will not be beyond me.

I’m toying with the idea of just taking a crapload of photos & uploading them with captions & commentary, so I might start with that & see how it goes; If the style suddenly changes, it’ll be because it didn’t work. Or I got bored. Or I forgot.

OK, image uploads seem to work.

And if I were taking this phone with me, that would be meaningful.

By the way, I’ve noticed that images don’t appear in earlier posts from this year; I suspect it’s because I renamed a folder in OneDrive, and that messed up the filepaths.

I’m sure there’s a way to fix it, but I’ve not looked into it yet.

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Gen Con 2017 – The Events Melee

I had 43 events on my wish-list, got 5000th-ish in the queue, and got 5 of those events. One of which was a duplicate, and had to be thrown back, and which might have blocked out some others..

It turned out OK; Subsequent looking at games and time slots filled in the gaps, until I’ve ended up with a list that’ll work for me.

This is what my wishlist looked like at the start, the result of adding anything that looked interesting & prioritising … haphazardly.

Like I said, I got 5 items of the 43, and had to throw one back because I’d got 2 sessions.
Trawling around for other things filled the gaps a bit, and after a while it looked like this.

It could also be argued that what it looks like is “You Have A Problem”, and … You may be right.
I did stop short of trying to write something that’d mine the database for events, parse my wishlist for event numbers & priorities, and automate the production of the layouts you see above, and I think that’s an encouraging sign.

The end result was this;

There are two “Swords & Sorcery Fantasy with anthropomorphic Cats in the times after Humanity has faded away” games in there, because that’s apparently a thing now.
For the record, I also tried for a game of Pugmire, but that sold out very quickly – Monarchies of Mau is the companion game.

And in case anyone’s interested;

Candyland Has Fallen

Sweetness and light couldn’t save them. Rainbows and cute cat videos were powerless. Now the ultimate evil-mancer rules in Candyland. Unless…. Well, when the good can’t help, it’s time to turn to the naughty and wicked. Suicide Squad meets Yellow Submarine meets Babes in Toyland in this desperate gamble to save Candyland from Utter Destruction.


The Palace of Ss’inar Hiss

Will you let this monstrous snake seal your furry fate on this adventure!? Blending fantasy & feline in a time post humans, choose a cat & weapon; fight for honour, glory, & your ball of yarn!

This one’s a demo of a game currently in development – Cat-aclysm

The artwork is interesting, and, well, it’s free, so if it sucks, I’ve lost nothing but time.


The Infinity Shift

Welcome to the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program! They call it HAARP. You all call it the rear-end of a two year stint at Air Force base Gakona, Alaska. Nothing ever happens at HAARP, or, at least nothing used to happen; until they turned on the machine for the first time. Now, everything ever happens there, all at once. Can you and your buddies survive one, eternal shift at the center of all spacetime?

I’m getting a Half-Life vibe here, though that might just be me.


Lord Krasmus Von Cheshire’s Priceless Bezoar

Tonight an emissary invites you to join his master, The Sphinx, at court & to take part in the search for ancient & valuable relic connected to the family of your Mistress.

Cats have inherited the world, unifying their six fractious monarchies untold centuries after the Ages of Man are over. These cats have been uplifted to use tools and language, and they seek to rediscover the ruins of the Old Ones. Some have learned to use the leftover technology of humanity, but they believe it to be magic given to them by their lost worshipers. Others seek to create a cohesive nation, using Precepts of Mau agreed to after years of political conflict. The world is dangerous and mysterious, but the instincts of a good cat will always be true.


Selfies & Justice

A game Powered by the Apocalypse where you play teenagers coming to terms with the powers they have & determining who they are. If you’re a fan of comic book stories, this is a game to try.

Generations of heroes before you have helped defend Halcyon City, but now it’s your turn. You and your friends have powers and drive, but can you balance the responsibility of being a super hero with all the other trouble of being a teenager and coming of age, especially when everyone–the good guys, the bad guys, your parents–are telling you who to be? Maybe not, but you can still get a cool selfie when you take down the bad guys. Masks: A New Generation is a game Powered by the Apocalypse where you play teenagers coming to terms with the powers they have and determining who they are. If you’re a fan of comic book stories, this is a game to try.


The Big Sleepless

There is a man falling from a cyclopean skyscraper in a nightmare city. They’ll hire you to find out why. And when you do, will you retrace those steps up that windowless tower & fall like he did?

This one’s a Cthulhu City setting for Trail of Cthulhu – I’d not heard of it before, but the description is as evocative as hell.
And maybe a bit Dark City?

There is – by certain unreliable and maddening accounts, and now by your own dreadful experience – a city on the eastern seaboard of the United States, in northern Massachusetts. You do not recall seeing it on maps when you were growing up, and no-one of your acquaintance ever admitted coming from that place until you found yourself living within its eerie confines. It is a city of windowless cyclopean skyscrapers, of crumbling baroque buildings and ruins that must, impossibly, predate human habitation in this part of the world. At times, you can see remnants of familiar small towns that have grow together into this monstrous conurbation – Dunwich in the west, beyond Sentinel Hill; quaint Kingsport, by the sea; industrial Innsmouth, the engine of trade and commerce; and the city’s heart, Old Arkham.

You know that this city is monstrous.

You know that the city government are in the thrall of – or in league – with alien horrors.

You know better than to go out at night, when the clouds roll in from the sea and shapes move in the sky. You know there are occasional, unpredictable streets that come and go according to some unearthly schedule, that strange black ships dock at Innsmouth to trade with the squat, ugly denizens of that neighbourhood. You know, too, that not all of your neighbours are sane – or human.

But you’re trapped. There’s no way to escape the city.

Because the city is the world.



Gatecrashing can be fabulously rewarding & unspeakably dangerous. The ruins you discovered looked like the find of your careers. But you’ll need more than luck to get out alive.

Transhumanist Science Fiction. In this case, the Fate System version thereof, which I’d not known about.

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What’s Going On?

should I be linking to or inserting the various songs I reference in blog post titles? serious question – I name them that way because it amuses me, but I wonder whether either of the readers of this thing have ever wondered, “What’s that a reference to?”

this one seemed appropriate as an update title, and I have no idea whether it’s more or less obscure than a reference to what I’ve been listening to, on and​ off, for most of this week. that said, De La Soul’s ‘Ring Ring Ring’ & ‘Me, Myself, and I’ still hold up as classic tracks, at least to my ears. As does Bran Van 3000’s ‘Drinking In LA’.

It’s now three weeks in at ESRI UK.
Going fairly well, I think, though last Friday falls into the category of “I should have been able to do that better, though I didn’t know how to”, which caused a certain degree of The Stressing.
As did the whole finding a place to live thing.

That last one is sorted.
After worrying about references (and thank you to those folks who said they’d say nice things, or at least allowed me to believe that they would) and the myriad of problems which seem to come up when you don’t really have an official record of … anything … in a country, the first place I looked at was nice, Wendy the live-in-llandllord seemed to like me, the cats didn’t appear to hate me any more than cats routinely hate anyone, and after a bit of chatting back & forth she offered me the room.
And I said yes.

I’d messaged a number of places on spareroom.co.uk, and because the idea of comparison-shopping for places to live makes me want to live in a tent in a rowboat on the canal, I’d decided that whoever was first willing to take me as a tenant in a place I liked the look of would be the winner.
As a side note, a few people contacted me on spareroom (there’s a rather impressive messaging system there, so that you’re simultaneously searching for a room while advertising yourself as a tenant, so contact can flow in either direction) almost as soon as I signed up;

  • One was in Hemel Hempstead, 20-odd miles away. I could use public transport, but if I’m going to live in suburbia, there’s closer suburbia to live in.
  • The other was near Edgcott, 13 miles away, but out in the countryside.
    Sadly, not on any useful public transport routes, and they were quite clear in their listing that you’d need transport, so I had to say no.
    did ask whether I could contact them when I do have transportation, because it looked awesome, and living in the countryside sounds nice, so it’s possible that I already have my next place to live lined up.

I move on Wednesday, after work, though I’ll see about wandering off early so that I don’t have to contend with commuter crush on the train. To the extent that there is any commuter crush on the Aylesbury to Aylesbury Vale Parkway route.
The train trip is from the second to last station on the line to the last one. Takes about four minutes.
It’s cheaper by bus, I’m told, but the bus does stop every 100m or so, which sounds wildly annoying.
There’s also a cycleway option, at somewhere between 3 & 5 miles – Google Maps wants to route around a particular section of the A41, but there’s no indication as to why, so I’ll have to look into that.

One of these people, who mentioned only looking for male flatmates because it made it easier when wandering out of the shower wearing a towel, did message me back to say that he sometimes wanders around naked post shower while making a cup of coffee, and that he probably should have mentioned it, but that he’d like flatmates who are OK with that.
Might just be me, but that feels like the sort of thing you’d mention earlier?

I don’t really want to own a car.
They’re convenient when you need them, but also can be a right pain in the arse the rest of the time, because parking is almost always an issue.
Scooters are an option, and it turns out that the whole field of plug-in electric scooters has come a long way, so for an option that is enormously cheap to run, … ?

So, as of the middle of next week, I’ll be living in, or next to, Berryfields, which is a development served by the Aylesbury Vale Parkway station. I’d put in a Google Maps link or something, but there’s a complication there; The roads are present, but the imagery hasn’t caught up, so it’s still all just fields around there.
The train station opened nine years ago and it’s not on the pictures, so I have no idea how old that imagery is.

The job seems to be going well.
I’m still learning where to set that line between ‘stuff I need to do’ and ‘stuff everyone else needs done’, and Friday was a classic example of the difference between theory & actuality.
I’d decided to set aside the afternoon for training and admin. My supervisor had told me that I should feel fine doing that, and agreed with it when I told him. And then, three minutes later, had to put something else as a higher priority, because of course that’s what happens.

Cup Of Brown Joy

I thought about posting a succession of ‘Today’s Clothing’ images, but it’s one small step from there to Fashion Blogging, and I think we’d all agree that I have no business being in that sector of the internet.

So, week one.

There have been a lot of meetings to be told about things, and I’m hoping that some of it stuck.

I have a project to work on which is useful but not urgent, and has some well-defined steps to go through in the “will this work?” department.

And, I’m tired.
It’s been the first full week of work in at least two years.

Also, I went to a meetup of the Aylesbury SF & Fantasy group last night, which took place in a pub, as almost everything here seems to. T’was fun, and I’ll be going along to the next one.
Probably won’t be going to the Easter convention in Birmingham – The timing coincides with the end of my stay here in The Flats,  as they’re known, so I can’t be sure that I can make it.

Could write more, but this took me long enough. Goodnight!

I just thought of something.

I’m going to steer clear of taking about work in too much detail, as I’m not sure where the lines are, exactly, but there is a work related thing; When going through the drawers at my desk, there was a bunch of stuff left by the previous occupant.

Old business cards, box for a nifty wireless mouse, training manuals, microwave porridge, a teapot …

Who abandons a teapot? In England, of all places? I’m sure it’s some sort of offense to abandon a teapot in Her Magesty’s Realm, …

in the category of more practical things, I shall find out whether this reckless endangerer of tea-making equipment is still working at ESRI, and might want their stuff, or whether I can just Biff or Distribute the lot of it.

First Night

First day of the new job.

Here I am, dressed for work, and apparently cosplaying as a tree.
Note please the calm posture, indicative of someone who is not nervous at all.

How to sum up day one?

Induction maybe pneumonia? Induction Ooooo, laptop Tour hello hello hello hello Info Session ar num num Meeting smile politely, listen for your name Meeting what’s that acronym Introduction wow there’s a lot to learn Meeting/Sit Down

It was a good day, and an interesting day, and even a fun day.
It was also a lot of day.

I guess I live HERE now?

I’m now in a company apartment/flat; Not 100% on how long I can stay here, but I’m hoping that it’s long enough to see out the next week (my first week of work – I start on Monday) and the weekend without needing to hunt for a place. It’d be nice to be able to concentrate on the job for that first week, then just take it easy for the weekend to, as it were, recover from the first working week in almost two years.

And then find a place to move to, because I doubt they’re going to want me living here too long.

I have the place to myself at the moment, though there is another bedroom, so someone else could turn up at some point.
They’ve said they’ll warn me, so that there aren’t any incidents of “Co-worker or REALLY confident burglar?”.

I’ve taken some pictures of the place, but … I’m a bit iffy about posting them, seeing as it’s neither my place nor a place I’m renting, so I won’t.

A cursory glance at rental agents windows suggests that ‘furnished’ isn’t a thing here, or at least not a big thing, so I’m most likely looking for a room in an existing place, or some form of private rental/serviced apartment deal.
History has shown that, left to my own devices, I’m not likely to buy furniture beyond the bare minimum, and I don’t actually want to accumulate more stuff; Not if I’m renting.

It’s The End Of The Story; It’s What Happens Next

A couple of weeks have gone by since The Interview, and … they’ve been sometimes busy, sometimes relaxing, sometimes fun, in one instance gutwrenchingly horrible, and very occasionally productive.

After the initial OhMyGodOhMyGod of the job offer, and some shenaniganry involving getting the contract printed so that I could sign it, I had a couple of weeks to fill before actually starting the job.

The plan was to go to Lon-Don to make some wardrobe changes; While the new job doesn’t have a dress code, I decided that my backpacker attire could do with a bit of a spruce-up, as it were. Or at least a change from the same six t-shirts I’ve been wearing for the past year.
That bit of the plan went fine.

Stayed at the Barmy Badger again; Even got my old room for most of it, though I had to move to the top floor when I extended my stay for a few days. (I got lucky, there had been a cancellation. Otherwise I would have had to find somewhere else to go)

There was a snoring issue, in that the guy in the lower bunk, directly under me for the first night (I moved to the other lower bunk once someone left), was the loudest snorer I’ve ever heard.
Even when I was as far away as it’s possible to get in that room, with no direct path between me and him, he was still so loud that I used the rain-noise app on my phone and some earbuds to drown him out in order to get to sleep.

Not a lot had changed at the Badger; One of the long-term folks (a French guy who’d been there almost three years) had moved, and a new one (a USAian art history student who’d studied in Paris and was lining up a Masters with one of the big art auction houses) had come in.

There were entertaining times at the Badger, most memorable a discussion of how to define when you’ve visited a city/country, and when you’ve just passed through it.
The standard used by one of the longtermers was that he had to spend the night. Didn’t have to sleep, but he needed to have a place where sleep could happen if he wanted to; Somewhere to stay overnight.
Airports didn’t count, even airport hotels, because even if you leave air-side, it’s still a bloody transit area to and from a place, and not the place itself. Dubai International is very nice if you like the Moria-with-Terrazzo look, but DXB is not Dubai, LHR is not London, and WRE is definitely not Whangarei.
We couldn’t decide whether Scotland, England, and Wales counted as individual countries, though the feeling was that they probably should.

Took a few trips, but I’ve got a week’s worth of work-type clothing that isn’t;

  1. Patched with inexpert stitching done in a hostel kitchen
  2. A Gen Con t-shirt
  3. Emblazoned with a geek-related print of some kind
  4. From 2006

Also managed to take a day to go and visit Chris in Essex, and to play some boardgames.

It was a fun visit.

The second bit was to go and visit Oxford, on the grounds that it’s roughly as far by train from Aylesbury as London is, but in the other direction, and I’ve not been there yet, so tourism could happen.
Sadly, it turns out that I should have booked earlier. The hostels were either booked or dire, and the hotels monstrously expensive, awful, or miles out.

Such is life – It’s only an hour and a bit from Aylesbury to Oxford, so there’s an easy day trip there.
Or a weekend away, once I get myself sorted here.

With Oxford off the table, and after receiving some unpleasant personal news I’m not going to discuss, I decided to go to Aylesbury early, get some of the work paperwork sorted, and try to relax into the town.
Naturally, the first thing I did upon arrival was to buy a couple of books.

I maintain that I only had to buy them because I’d left my portable battery charger in the bags I stashed at the hotel, and you can’t expect me to have lunch without something to read or listen to.

Something that came up over the course of the interview process is that UK employers actually want to see qualifications; As in, the certificate. Nobody else ever cared.
This is a bit of a problem, because said certificates aren’t with me. They’re in a storage unit on the other side of the world, probably in this box;

As a complicating factor, I’d also forgotten the number of the storage unit.
On the positive side, the University has an online Graduate Database, and I’m listed there, so hopefully that’ll do.

I’m taking a diversion from my Song Title As Post Name theme; This one’s a lyric which seemed appropriate.

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