Don’t Forget To Breathe

Having made it back to the UK, and having been traveling for around seven months, it’s time to stop, replenish the cash reserves somewhat, and see whether I can work out what I want to do next.

“It Can Be Fun To Run Away” doesn’t seem to fit that as a blogpost category, so I tried to think of a new one for this next period.
The chance usage of ‘pausing to take a breath’ reminded me of this song, and while it’s not the exact title, it’s the right sentiment.

Progress Report, Week One

  • Bank Account, in-branch attempt.
    Nope, an appointment for an interview won’t be until next week, but you can use our online service instead.
  • Bank Account, online attempt.
    Nope, you’re too much of a risk to grant an account with no credit or overdraft facility to.
  • National Insurance number, first attempt.
    We need an address to post things to.
  • National Insurance number, second attempt.
    Our system is down, please call back later.
  • National Insurance number, third attempt.
    That address isn’t just for postage, it’s also used to refer you for an interview at a jobcentre.

    Do you want people to work under the table and pay no tax?

    Because that’s how you get people working under the table and paying no tax.

    Turns Out That It’s NOT A Huge Brick Model Of An Organ; Who Knew?

    I’d just always assumed that’s what St. Pancras was; A gigantic Victorian Folly which they’d turned into a railway station.

    I’m hoping that’s enough warning that this isn’t a particularly serious, content-filled, or indeed coherent post.

    I’d like to point out that, while the folks here at the Fairway B&B have an entire sensible name for their network, someone out there is having a bit more fun with it.

    In my wanderings around the area (For the record, the street the B&B is on points straight at St. Pancras) I saw what may be the greatest accidental restaurant re-naming I’ve ever seen; Pasta Hose.

    I can’t decide whether they’re spraying pre-mixed pasta+goo out of a firehose, or dumping the pasta on you from a monsoon bucket, blasting you with a firehouse spraying marinara sauce, and then finishing it off with a dry powder fire extinguisher filled with parmesan.

    Yes, this is a firefighting themed restaurant.
    Just go with it.

    More wanderings, in which I decided to see whether I could walk to the Thames and back, took me past street art which I think is telling me to up my job-networking game.

    Laundry day happened, and did so on a foggy morning when there were few people around.
    It’s been commented that this looks like a scene from a zombie film; The narrow streets off to my left looked even more that way, but I didn’t think to photograph them.

    Ended up wandering through Green Park as the sun went down.
    Daylight savings time had just … checks … ended, so the sunset rather crept up on me.

    I’d thought, from a distance, that this might be a sort of whimsical monument, like some of the ones in Wellington.
    Well, it’s really not; It’s the Royal Artillery Memorial.

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