Turns Out That It’s NOT A Huge Brick Model Of An Organ; Who Knew?

I’d just always assumed that’s what St. Pancras was; A gigantic Victorian Folly which they’d turned into a railway station.

I’m hoping that’s enough warning that this isn’t a particularly serious, content-filled, or indeed coherent post.

I’d like to point out that, while the folks here at the Fairway B&B have an entire sensible name for their network, someone out there is having a bit more fun with it.

In my wanderings around the area (For the record, the street the B&B is on points straight at St. Pancras) I saw what may be the greatest accidental restaurant re-naming I’ve ever seen; Pasta Hose.

I can’t decide whether they’re spraying pre-mixed pasta+goo out of a firehose, or dumping the pasta on you from a monsoon bucket, blasting you with a firehouse spraying marinara sauce, and then finishing it off with a dry powder fire extinguisher filled with parmesan.

Yes, this is a firefighting themed restaurant.
Just go with it.

More wanderings, in which I decided to see whether I could walk to the Thames and back, took me past street art which I think is telling me to up my job-networking game.

Laundry day happened, and did so on a foggy morning when there were few people around.
It’s been commented that this looks like a scene from a zombie film; The narrow streets off to my left looked even more that way, but I didn’t think to photograph them.

Ended up wandering through Green Park as the sun went down.
Daylight savings time had just … checks … ended, so the sunset rather crept up on me.

I’d thought, from a distance, that this might be a sort of whimsical monument, like some of the ones in Wellington.
Well, it’s really not; It’s the Royal Artillery Memorial.