Back In London

This one’s in a few sections – it covers some time in London, a trip to Essex, and then back to London

I still haven’t done a review of the B&B I stayed in, primarily because I’m not sure how to write it. There’s nothing wrong with the place, it’s just that it’s been overtaken by … Well, everything.

I never stayed in a 60’s or 70’s B&B, but I think I have now; The place felt like it was running to a procedures manual which hadn’t changed in many years.

After a while I stopped doing breakfast at the place, because it was just too frustrating to watch people screw up that badly; The food was fine, but as near as I can tell the only language all the staff have in common is ‘some English’, so the whole system went off the rails as soon as someone went off the expected script.

Enough about that.

I ended up taking a walk in the evening, and got a few good photos of the London Eye looking all spectacular.

This one I’m particularly happy with.

As seems to be the way of it, there were internet connection issues, so I did some of the Big Red Couch stuff from the British Library, with their wonderfully free WiFi, and some from the mezzanine level food court at King’s Cross, with its wonderfully unsecured WiFi.

I’m only mentioning this because, while at the station, I got a picture of their pigeon-control system.
Slightly before it buzzed someone on it’s way to a different part of the hall.

The London Canal Museum was nearby, so I had an entertaining time there.
They’re mostly about the canals, but have a sideline in the history of the ice trade, as they’re based in what was once an ice storage facility; You can still see down into one of the ice wells.

Also took in a conveniently timed exhibition at the British Library.

There’s not a huge amount to report, to be honest.
The wee church across from the laundromat was quite pretty, in a gloomy sort of way, but not easy to take a photo of, as it turns out.

Similarly, this couple taking wedding-related photos in St. Pancras were a challenge, though they were also finding it a challenge to get photos without extraneous bystanders.
Or pigeons.

I visited some friends out in Essex, but took no photos, and as the majority of the newsworthy portion of that trip was board and card games played, it can be it’s own post at some point.

Post-Essex, I was back in London for a couple of nights, then off to Penzance in Cornwall to … Clear my thoughts, I guess?
Figure out how to approach the job thing, and the related stupid bloody administrative systems things, and generally plan out the next bit.

Accommodation this time was at the Barmy Badger backpackers, in Earl’s Court, and I think it’s my go-to place in London from now on.
I’m not certain how many floors the place has, to be honest; It’s the classic ‘old terraced house conversion’ style of hostel, so the layout is a bit odd.
The general vibe of the place was relaxed, which is always nice, and in general it seems friendly, which is a good thing.

did have to pick up my rail tickets from Paddington Station, so I walked most of the way back, via Hyde Park.

Where this whatever the hell it is was deeply unconcerned by my being there.

And the squirrels paid no attention because I wasn’t doing anything edible.

And this Stealth Squirrel did it’s best to be sneaky while I took a photo.

I thought I’d end with some pictures of the Christmas offerings from a couple of coffee places, because, as we all know, the first day of Christmas is in early November.