Penzance – Getting there & Wandering around

Me being me, I got to the station far too early. This, I’m sure, comes as no surprise to anyone.

I tried to be as quiet as possible getting showered and moving out, and hopefully was successful, though all of the other inhabitants of the room arriving back at midnight did reduce how concerned I was about accidentally making noise by a solid amount.

Still, I found all of my stuff (packed everything I could the night before) and made it to Paddington Station with a couple of hours to spare; Bearly missed the previous (non-direct) train which could have taken me to Penzance.

And I got this rather nice picture of jet trails in the sky.

Photography from trains is annoying; The trees leap into shot at the last moment. Thus, I didn’t bother, and just watched the scenery go by. And napped.

And had a spot of pseudo lunch. Took a picture of this because of the phrase “Hummus Shovel”.

This is only my second AirBnB, the first being a place on the Isle of Dogs which was realistically being run as a share house with high turnover; I get the idea that the owner of that one rarely visited, just sent the cleaners around when someone moved out.

This one, on the other hand, is a downstairs room in someone’s place, and comes with a dog who has a good line in hopeful looks as regards the ‘walk’ situation.

Finding the AirBnB I’d booked was simple, mostly because the host had a solid set of directions. Unlike many such directions, these were actually needed, as the place is effectively in an alley off of an alley; I have no idea how mail delivery works.

Spent the weekend not doing much, which was just as fantastic as it sounds, though I did take a wander along to Newlyn, which is somewhere between a suburb and a village.

Naturally, I took some photos, and this is probably your last chance to bail out before they’re inflicted upon you.

Penzance waterfront, with St. Michael’s Mount way the hell off in the distance. The look of the seawall and setbacks suggest to me that the waves come powering in here in stormy weather, and some tourism photos and harbour warning signs seem to confirm that.

A wee riverlet running through the town, possibly to allow for extra charming quaintness to happen.

Panorama of what I hope is the Newlyn harbour, otherwise I have no idea where the hell I walked to.


There’s an extra-wide green seawall or breakwater visible in that panorama, with grass growing on it. Took this shot from there, to try to show how the area is put together; The road is at the top of that grass bank.

That same riverlet, but from a different narrow stone bridge.

St. Michael’s Mount in actual sunlight.

And the main drag of Penzance, Market Jew Street. The bit I’m standing on is maybe four feet above the roadway, so there’s a railing and regular stairways to get down from shop level to street level; I guess it’s the sort of thing you have to do when building a town on a hill.

Looking up the street at night.