This Is Just Where I Came In

Attempting to wrap my thoughts around the thorny issue of What To Do Next.

The conversation with a recruiter I mentioned led to a phone interview; For a variety of reasons I’m keeping a bit quiet on who it was with, but it went well.
The slightly nervous laughter from all parties turned into actual laughter, which seems encouraging.

Backtracking a little bit, to when the job interview was lined up, the dorm-room situation was clearly not going to help me prepare, nor was it the sort of thing that allows for a really good night’s sleep, even if you don’t have someone stumbling drunkenly through.
I checked with the nice hostel folks about private rooms, but the response was a sad “You ask too much of me”, followed by a “Nope”. Found an apartment hotel instead at a price I could live with, despite there being some species of sportsball event on over the weekend; I’m assuming that a studio with kitchen didn’t appeal to the one-day-stay sporting crowd.

You can’t quite see it, but there’s a microwave/convection oven off to the right, above a fridge.

Murphy Bed.

Unusual coat-hooks.

Vastly more expensive than the hostel, but it gave me the chance to sleep properly, and to have a space of my own for the first time since … October?
Worth the investment, I think.

Thanks to travel, Google Maps had been getting more and more frantic with their pleas about becoming a Local Guide, probably because I answered some questions about the places I’ve been.
I eventually decided “what the hell; why not?” and joined up, on the off chance that there might be some sort of useful thing in there.

Not sure on that, but a scroll through the “Missing Information” category demonstrated that the incredibly ghastly looking takeaway down the street from the hostel had no picture, so I took some. Actually pretty happy with how they turned out.