Barely Breathing

Yesterday there was a phone interview, as recounted in This Is Just Where I Came In, and it went well, I thought; Clearly I picked a good mix from the available behavior options.

I’d not expected to hear anything back before Friday, or more realistically Monday, and … I didn’t have a solid idea as to my chances.
Thus the call today from The Mighty Recruiter, First Of His Name came as a surprise.
As did the phrases “really really want to get him in for an interview” and “preferred candidate”.

The plan is for an interview next week, probably Thursday, so I’ll be getting myself on a train down to Buckinghamshire.
Given that they’re looking for someone to start as soon as possible, and I’m looking to not have to live in hostels anymore, this could potentially happen very quickly.

Or they could decide that they don’t much like the look of me, or I could botch the technical challenge, or they might find someone better.

Until that happens, I’ll be optimistic & hopeful.