Waiting On A Plane

I’m writing this offline due to poor free wifi time-management. And because having used the free allowance for plebs in the procss of getting signed up for the longer allowance for Heathrow Rewards members, the system is sticking to “Time’s Up, Prole” and not letting me wave my “I’m A Special Snowflake” identity to get more.

Meh, such is life.

Slept pretty well in my quite purple Yotel cabin (I’d have called it very purple in the past, but then I stayed at a hostel in Edinburgh, part of the SafeStay chain, who have branded purple pillowcases, duvet covers, and bedsheets. Yotel need to up their game on the purpleness if they want to play in the SafeStay pool) and made it through eleventy-billion tunnels, escalators, and hallways to an utterly uneventful check-in.
Even got to help out some folks who’d missed the check-in robot entirely & joined the bag drop queue thinking it was check in. Granted, said help was mostly clarifying that they did need to visit those machines over there, and that the machines would give them their boarding passes.

as a side note, typing on my blootooth* keyboard on my lap with the phone balanced on one knee works surprisingly well, though I do need to adjust the keyboard every line or so.

* that was a typo. I did mean to type bluetooth, but I’m keeping it.

I should find out what gate I need for the UK-Ireland leg in the next few minutes.
Maybe Dublin airport has free wifi too?
Does Dublin airport have a name? I’d look it up, but; Living in the dark ages here. 

On the plane, in the air, flying over a sea of clouds. And maybe actual sea too, somewhere under the aforementioned clouds.

The very small carry-on bag seems to be doing the job; All it’s holding are the one vital medication, travel documents, and all of the electrical/electronic stuff. And anything with a battery. 

Fits under the seat without an issue, which is handy, as this is an all-hands gate-check-your-enormous-rolling-cabin-bag no-free-space flight. They did tell people that they’d be gate checking larger items, due to it being a full flight.

Yep; Dublin has free WiFi.

Also, the flight was routed over Milton Keynes & out over Wales, so I must have flown pretty close to Aylesbury.