51st & Green

US Preclearance in Dublin was pretty damn uneventful.

I was hazy on the photography rules post-preclearance, so I didn’t take pictures of the Last Chance To Get Your Twee Shit kiosk. I mean, it wasn’t called that on any sign, but it’s clearly what was going on.

I was tempted by a “Feck It; Sure, It’s Grand” shirt, in the style of “Keep Calm And Carry On”

It also wasn’t the last chance; There were more opportunities to purchase a plushy Leprechaun, or an actual Guinness.

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this isn't relevant in any way, I just wanted to add an image

this isn’t relevant in any way, I just wanted to add an image

Most of my fellow passengers for the next bit are USA-ians. When heading through to the Connecting Flights section in Dublin Airport (near as I can tell it has no specific name) I was following the crowd towards some sort of passport control booth system, but got diverted into the EU passport bypass lane by a nice pre-queue people wrangler.

I was the only one in that lane.