When I Grow Up, I Want To Be A Flying Monkey

… and in today’s QAGS game, it happened

Started out as a regular flying monkey, then took someone’s jetpack.

Let’s unpack that a little, shall we?

The game had us as a bunch of prisoners in Cadayland Super-Max.

  • I was the Head Flying Monkey from the Wizard of Oz
  • There was Wylie Coyote
  • A Three-Foot Tall Gangster from some cartoon I don’t know
  • The Evil Queen from Snow White
  • Some sort of Atomic Fireball guy

Can’t remember who the other one was.

We all made our own characters – QAGS is good like that, it takes very little time to make a character.

Candyland came under attack, and in a Suicide Squad sort of way, we ended up saving the day. Even though we didn’t want to.
There were these exploding neck collars, see?
And only King Candy could disable them, because the Prison Warden was killed when someone attacked the prison. Turns out that attack was in order to kill us, but we didn’t know it at the time.

Long story short, we defeated the Nutrimancer and saved the day.
Anf then the Evil Queen poisoned King Candy and took over, because we all saw that one coming.

Oh, and swag happened.

Tried to do an unboxing video, or at least an unbagging one, but the travel phone just doesnt have enough memory. I’ll take some photos.

Took this picture mostly because I thought it was a nice image, 

… and this one because the flags lined up nicely.