Friday: Cats, Nazis, & Bigfoots. Bigfeet?

Also an awful concert selfie from the TMBG concert on Thursday night.

In that the selfie is awful, not the concert.
The concert was awesome.
And I now have the They Might Be Giants cover of “Bills”, by (I think) Destiny’s Child, stuck in my head.
Alongs with some lines from ‘Dead’;
I will never say the word procrastinate again,
I’ll never see myself in the mirror with my eyes closed,  

This was at 9am or thereabouts. Vendor/Exhbit/Dealer hall won’t open for a full hour, but still they come, drawn to it, like Martian Invaders to the bloodstreams of Earthlings … Where’s this bit going?

Also, I beheld a beholder.

I then had to roll a football-sized D10 to see which eye I was hit by.

I got Charmed, which seems fair, because that’s an adorable outfit.

First game of the day was called The Infinity Project, using the Cypher System, which also crops up in Numenera/The Strange/Invisible Sun.

Bored Airmen & Airwomen (Is that how it works?) running an experiment find that the base is over-run with Power-Suit Wearing Nazis, Bigfoot(s), Lizard Men, and a Giant Carnivorous Plant.

As you can see, Angela kind of got the shit kicked out of her while battling Nazis & Lizard Men, but we won in the end.
Plus, after an initial bout of unpleasantness between us and the Bigfoot(s), they seemed to be OK, so we kind of left each other alone. Even helped them defeat the Lizard Men, but they then fell prey to the giant plant.
On the plus side, the Giant Plant ate a few Nazis, and we felt pretty good about that. 

Next, Monarchies of Mau, the adventure being Lord Krasmus Von Cheshire’s Priceless Beozar, where we were delving into a ruin in a strange foreign land, ruled by a creepily hairless cat, looking to recover the Beozar which was on Lord Krasmus when he died.
So, a quest for a hairball.

Did I mention that we’re playing anthropomorphic cats, in the ages after Man has gone away? I feel like that’s important.

Moni (& maybe Steve also?) had made up Gen Con 50 shirts.
To play it safe, she’d asked Gen Con whether it was OK to use their name on a shirt for non-commercial purposes. Mike, who is the guy next to me in the photo, said it was fine, OK’d the design, and said how much he liked it, so we got one made for him too.