Satyrday. Wasn’t playing any games with satyrs in them, I just wanted to use that punne

Firstly, a badge-bling update;

I had a game out on the field at LucasOil Stadium, which was a surprisingly comfy place to game. The space just eats up the surrounding noise, so it was only when a crowd nearby started yelling that you really noticed what a huge space you were in.

This one was a Masks game, so Teenage Superheroes. My first ever Powered By The Apocalypse game, so … it was new and interesting.
I think I’d want to try using it for a campaign; So much of the system is about the interactions and relationships between the characters, and that can’t really come out during a four-hour con game.

I pretty much grabbed the playbook in front of me and based the character on the image, because it’s a bad-ass image.
Does mean there was a moment of;
Other Player: Oh, so like Jessica Jones.
Me: Ahhh, Fuck.
Player Beside Me: Don’t worry, there are no original superhero ideas left at this point. 

Next up was a Cthulhu City/Trail Of Cthulhu game, which was horrible and awesome; Think ‘Dark City’ with a ‘The Cabin In The Woods’ ending.
The finale, which came down to ‘stop the ritual and leave the world as it is’ vs. ‘let it happen and remake the world’, essentially left it up to whoever walked through the door first. He got to poll the players & some NPCs, but it was his call.
He chose the status quo/Devil You Know option.

The GM had signed up to run the game by accident, as he normally did Night’s Black Agents games, so there were many disclaimers, and he was worried that he’d not done a good job.
I/We reassured him that, in fact, he’d run a fantasticly dark & creepy & opressive game.

I’d had tickets for another game on Saturday, running 2100-0100, but the shakes started to kick in at about hour four of the Cthulhu City game, which is a good signal for me that it’s time to get some sleep.
So I did.
Did try to return the ticket for Lori’s Midnight Game: Rocky Horror Gen Con Show, by going to where it was happening, but I couldn’t spot anyone who looked like they were running the show to give the ticket to.
No sense in them not getting credit, in the sense of “people came to this event”, for the game – As I understand it, that’s how Gen Con allocate resources for events needing more space, based on attendance in previous years.