Sunday; Closing Time

Badge-bling update.

Something I’ve been doing this con is to have permanent & temporary badge ribbons. The Sponsor, Ally, and Contessa one stay, because they’re importent. Other ones, I’ll stick on, then take off again when I don’t care anymore, so I had a Gen Con Unofficial Facebook Group ribbon for a bit, and then one from a games company.

Last game was Eclipse Phase, Fate edition; Transhumanist Horror.

Something I read years ago broke things down as;
Transumanism is about how technology will make the future better,
Cyberpunk is about how it won’t.

In the case of Eclipse Phase, it’s about how , in the future, we’ll be able to get into situations that are so much worse, and be able to do things that are so much dumber than what we already do.

I’ve not had a bad game this con, and this one was the idea one to end a con on; Great group, a whole lot of fun, a bunch of deeply screwed up characters.
Ended up chatting with the GM & one of the other players (waves) for a couple of hours after the game ended.

Trying to get a shot of that mirrored river surface; I think it worked.

We (Frank, Kevin, Amy, Steve, & Moni) went to a high-falutin’ steakhouse for dinner, on the occasion of Moni’s birthday.
It was really good food.

On the way back, cutting through the ICC, we could see the pack-up happening. 

Ended the evening (eventually) sitting around and nattering in the JW, until people started to zone out.