Monday: The Moon Goddess Takes The Sun From Us

Steven & Moni checked out on Monday morning, with half of the vendor hall, it seems.

I’m not 100% on this, but I think that’s a section of a Crystal Caste booth poking out from behind the suitcase.

Did brunch with a friend from Chicago, for whom this was her very firse Gen Con, so it was great fun hearing about all of the stuff she’d done & seen.
And then there was the eclipse.
Naturally, it was cloudy.

I’ve put up all of the photos I took, but selfie camera through filter glasses from a magazine slipcover that I filched from the Metropolitan Lounge in Chicago does not make for a great shot.
Could maybe have tried to use the main camera, with a bigger lens, but this is realistically a job for a solarscope, not a cellphone.

It took one of the other folks (I’d set up on a low wall at the entrance to White River Park, and various other folks wandered oer to join me; There were people outside the hotel across the road too, but the wall option meant that you could sit, and eclipses tke a while) to point out that it felt cooler as the eclipse happened. It never got darker than “Storm’s A-Comin’ “, but even with no clouds in the way, you couldn’t really feel the sun on your skin, and for the first time since I’d been there, the air didn’t feel hot and humid.

And to close this post out, I found the sketch I tried to do of a Cat wearing plate-mail.

I’m not good at drawing.