Getting There

Nymphadora made sure to tell me, as I left this morning, how much she would miss me.
And my ability to open food sachets.

I actually got some work done, fixing some code I’d written, then documenting the damn thing while I still remembered what the requirements were.
Also discovered that our version control system had decided that I totally wanted to delete that project, and that if I wanted to cancel the delete, I’d need to delete the project first.
Not sure what I did to it, but I did it a lot, it seems.

Still, that can be a problem for Future Craig; That guy’s awesome, he’ll figure it out.

Aylesbury to Marylebone – Done!
Marylebone to Paddington – Managed!
Paddington to Heathrow – Achieved!
Self-Service check-in kiosk – What Are A Passport?

Maybe it was wondering whether I was able to enter NZ, but didn’t know how to ask.
Or maybe it was having a bad day.

In any case, after maybe 40 minutes in a line, one of the check-in assistance folks sorted things, got me my boarding passes, and tagged my checked luggage*.
Got through security in about 20 minutes, at a VERY relaxed pace.

So, now I’m loitering airside at Heathrow Terminal 2, in the patio balcony section, of course, trying to decide how to kill the hour & a half until the gate is announced.

* checked luggage weighed in at 5kg, so, lighter than my carry-on.

Made it to Singapore.
That was a long damn flight, with a fair bit of turbulence, so they left the seatbelt signs on for most of it.

Got some sleep, which is more than I expected, and watched both Pacific Rim films.

Once I got to Changi Airport, had a moment or two of confusion because I couldn’t find a sign pointing me to Terminal 3.
Then realised that this probably means I’m already in T3; Asked someone, and they confirmed it. (I get the idea it’s a common question for arrivals)

This is a big terminal.
Maybe not “Report on an Unidentified Space Station” big, like Dubai, but getting there.
It might be the number of people here which stops it from being creepy big.

And I made it to NZ.
Very tired.