Trying to sum up the NZ portion of the trip, …

I’d intended to do my standard “blog all of the things until people are totally sick of the sound of your typing” thing for this trip, but as it turned out, I didn’t.

Oddly, the reason wasn’t laziness, or at least wasn’t all laziness; I found it difficult to think of the Auckland & Wellington portions of the trip as being an actual noteworthy vacation, at least from a ‘write about it’ point of view, which is why I took so damn many photos, so that the folks who were interested could see something.

One of the goals of the NZ trip was to see whether I was going to be overcome with a wave of homesickness/nostalgia upon hitting NZ, and immediately make plans to ‘move back home’. That … didn’t happen.
Auckland was nice, seeing people was entirely awesome, but no desire to immediately move back to Auckland has thus far emerged. Not planning to get a bus pass and an overpriced poorly-insulated flat.

Likewise with Wellington; Great to see & hang out with people, and to roam around the city, but no plans to move there.

Of course, when I decided to leave Perth it was a few days after a visit to NZ, once I’d had some time to myself to be alone with my thoughts, (which is usually when they get weird & creepy) so I may just be talking total bollocks here. Maybe after a few days I’ll be filled with an irresistible urge to move to NZ & start taking an interest in rugby?

OK, the rugby thing seems unlikely.