3/8 – The Beginning & The Stink

Slept well, so the lurgh is definitely on the way out. Or mutating.
Met up with Tom in the ICC. He was in line to buy stuff from the Official Gen Con Swag stand.
Yesterday, or maybe the day before, we’d seen them setting up a big Line Starts Here sign on a pole, with the idea that it’d get handed down as the line grew. ( I’d assumed they’d just have someone standing with it, like they do with the Will Call line ) System works well, it seems; people were getting into it, though I’m told some had to have it explained.

Tom’s cousin Stacey arrived, so Tom got her situated in her room for the con. She’d also been sent with half of the pharmacy aisle of Walgreens thanks to Tom & Dawn, so I now have enough drugs to bomb this thing back to the stone age.

Badge & Ticket pickup occurred sometime around here, I think?

Went to lunch at Goodwood again, having picked up Frank’s friend Ben ( from the Bonefish meal ) somewhere along the way.
They are not coping with the Day Zero rush, which doesn’t say good things about how days One through Four will go. Wrong item, missing items, bad vegetables, … Mine was fine, as was Frank’s, but everything else had an issue.
That’s not going to be a fun time for the servers.

Went to The Stink in the evening. ( this is a social event, sort of semi-official )
Much quieter than previous years, with way fewer people. The vibe going in was how it normally feels righ at the end, with a bunch of empty tables & not a lot going on.
Caught up with Stephanie, who was handing out dice (as part of the Indy Mavens, I think?), so I now have a sort of sea glass effect D20.

Went for not quite dinner but more like a snack at Loughmiller’s Pub, or at least Frank/Staphanie/Tom did; I just had a drink as I’m still not feeling 100%, and I eventually dipped out early to go get some sleep.