4/8 – Tales From The Floating Vagabond & Crossroads Carnival

I’ve given up on figuring out how the JW assigns people to tables for breakfast. I got a 6-8 seater to myself, having been walked past a few two-seaters, and I was in a section which maybe wasn’t assigned to anyone, as it had no silverware, glasses, coffee cups, …
These things eventually happened, piecemeal, over the course of the meal, though I did go and ask someone in a neighboring section for silverware.

The Exhibit/Vendor hall Running Of The Nerds was entirely over by ten minutes after opening, when I got there, so I was able to grab the all-important souvenir dice.

Tales from the Floating Vagabond.
It was … OK.
The GM hadn’t run the thing since the 90s, and it was his first time GMing at Gen Con, so he did pretty well. There were only three players; me, Frank, and one other guy who was making a hobby of sticking polyhedral dice with magnets on them to stuff scattered around the con.
That said, game was done in 2 hours, and that included making up our character. I think I actually made one skill check or dice roll during the game, to pretend to enjoy a terrible beer. Probably goes longer if there are more players.

Somewhere along the line the VIG Swag arrived.

Crossroads Carnival.
That was awesome; carnival sideshow freaks try to save people from the encroaching darkness in dustbowl America.
I had the Dog Faced, and we had a Geek, a Snake Charmer, and a Fortune Teller, trying to save a town a few days away from falling into darkness .
The game isn’t out yet, but I can see myself picking it up.
Also, the words Creature & Preacher sound very similar through a mask, which caused confusion.

The VIG Mixer.
Big space, crowded with people. Folks seemed to be having a good time?
I left pretty early because of an early start, but also because of crowd & noise issues.

I did a lot of walking this day.

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