In Which I Pretend To Have A Plan

Around this time tomorrow, all going well, I’ll be at Britomart in Auckland, waiting for one of those Airport Express busses to take me to, …, Well, to the airport.
I mean, it’s sort of built into the name, now that I think of it.

I figured that, as a cunning way to make sure that this blog still works, and also that the integration into Facebook & G+ work, that I could do a quick “This Is What My Gen Con Events Schedule Looks Like” sort of thing, so here it is.

My Gen Con Events

Here’s the “locked in” bits of the schedule. Sort of.

This is, to use a phrase I learned today, descriptive not prescriptive.
I’m unlikely to actually spend three hours in the Exhibit Hall. Said hall, incidentally, exhibits things you can buy; At other conventions, it’d be the dealer room.
I’m also not certain what time queuing for Hickman’s Killer Breakfast starts, but I’m hoping it’s somewhere in the realms of “Not 8am”, so that I can have breakfast. H’sKB does not, as it happens, include breakfast.