Day Zero – So, I’ve hit the “headings with commentary” stage sooner than I expected to.

“Hey, Cool Shirt”, and Pallet trucks on carpet kind of suck
Before I made it into the central bit of Gen Con at the ICC (which I think of everything East of the Crossroads Concourse), one of the proprietors of Off World Designs spotted my LonCon3 shirt, so we did the whole Good Luck For The Con/Hope You Enjoy Yourself thing. (Off World Designs do shirts and other merchandise for a huge number of cons, so their stuff, & they, get around)
Shortly afterwards, while ambling around before the VIG lounge opened, I passed someone from Upper Deck heading in the other direction with a big-ass pallet of boxes on one of those unpowered pallet truck things.
A short while later I passed him again, he’d not made it that much further, so offered to help.

Did I mention that those things suck on carpet?
It’s very hard to gain, or keep, momentum, so we went with a process of taking one half of the handle each, leaning into it, and going full steam ahead. It worked, though a few calls of “We’re not stopping” were needed, and we did end up on a collision course with the previously mentioned Off Worlds person; Fortunately, she seemed to understand the need for constant forward movement, and dodged.

We achieved our objective.


Catching up with Tom & Stacy, and general hanging out
Ran into Tom & Stacy in one of the hamster tubes (didn’t have the pallet truck by this point; we couldn’t have got it up the escalator anyway), and after a brief diversion to get water, sat & talked until the urge to wander past the VIG Lounge got too strong, so we did, even though it didn’t open until noon.
Except they’d organised themselves faster than expected, possibly due to lack of Swag Bags, so they’d opened at 10-ish.

Sadly, they had no furniture beyond the various desks, so after sorting out our stuff on the floor, I dropped off my stuff at the JW & we sat in the lobby for a while, until the hear & tiredness required naps, or at least even more air-con.


Meeting Frank, getting lunch
Some time later I met up with Frank, mostly by accident, so we ambled off to the foodcourt to hunt down a food.
(sometime in there I was able to identify a My Little Pony costume he’d seen as Rainbow Dash, making it about 20% cooler than other costumes)
Steve & Monica showed up sometime between ordering & food, followed some time later by someone whose name I’ve forgotten, who has something to do with a promotional event happening at the Indianapolis Zoo. As a note, the phrase “Everything’s Open” when referring to a zoo makes people like me think that there will be events like “Can gamers outrun lions?” and “Roll to dodge monkey poo”.


Hitting The Stink
I was able to try Vegemite Chocolate, thanks to the GenCon U.N. folks.

Yeah. That’s a thing I have now done. Crossed off the list.

The Stink was kind of loud. They went with a Hunger Games theme with this one, which meant frequent announcements about which randomly-assigned District had been eliminated.
This is something I’ve often found amusing/annoying about geek social events; There’s the stated plan to set up an event where people can meet, talk, play games, etc., and then the environment is such that every ten minutes or so, all of that is interrupted so that you can listen to someone you’re not talking to & can’t see.


Tom & Stacy & I wandered off to get dinner, which is pretty easy with a mall foodcourt nearby.

Post-dinner, and after some rambling & wrangling with air conditioning systems, Tom & I ended up back in the JW Lobby, up on the third level, going through the coupon book to see what looked interesting, and where the various booths we wanted to visit could be found.
In my case this was “Scattered From One End Of The Hall To The Other”, but this worked out OK, as I had a pretty short list of must-visits, and on the day I’d already spent $100 before I needed to look at the wee map to figure out where to go next.

Sometime before the JW, we were looking in the display cases outside the dealer hall, and I noticed something called Mysterium.
I know almost nothing about it, other than that the cards & game pieces on display were very pretty, so I may need to take a closer look.
Yes, actually, I am that shallow with my potential purchases.
(that said, the pieces & cards I found on a quick web-search don’t look quite the same, so maybe what’s there is a deluxe version, or something prettied-up for display)

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