Ferry to Picton

This one’s mostly pictures.



There’s not a huge amount to say about the trip.
The passenger areas of the ferry are quite nice, a lot of folks seem to stake out seats by a window and then immediately fall asleep, which seems like a waste of a nice view, and they really do pack the cars in on those decks.


Turns out there’s a ramp from the lower deck, where you get on the ship, to the upper deck; Said ramp lifts up when they’re sailing, possibly to limit the amount of weather & salt spray making it to the lower deck?

And, of course, there’s the scenery.

ferry to picton ferry to picton ferry to picton ferry to picton ferry to picton ferry to picton ferry to picton ferry to picton

All of which eventually gets us to Picton.
We were all herded downstairs, to vehicles or to a rabble on the lower deck, so I didn’t get to watch the docking. Basically, we stood in a clump until the big doors opened.

ferry to picton

Though I did manage to get a shot just before I went to the lower deck, when we were almost there.