
wellington railway station

I did a lot of pretty close to nothing in Wellington.
just wanted to put that out there, in case anyone thought I’d have huge and portentous things to talk about

Getting from the bus station, which is also the train station, into the Cuba Street area was made so much easier by having a pack on my back. And another smaller day bag on the front, but that’s not important right now.

Found a café which would make me a food, then hopped a bus over to The Great Hall.
Plans for the day involved ‘not much’, though I did get a new pair of boots, the soles on my old ones having hit the non-waterproof point. Fell asleep on the couch for a while, as the night bus wasn’t that comfortable.

In deference to back issues, my bed for the night was the lounge floor, with a duvet for padding and another one for warmth, and it was pretty comfy. In days of yore, perhaps this would have been the prize spot, the best place in the hall, right in front of the fire.
Seeing as how this is a flat, it’s the spot in between the sofa and the TV, and lacks some of the crackling-fire ambiance, though I’m sure there’s a fireplace DVD or ’10 hours of log fire’ video out there somewhere, if I’d gone looking.

Rather than list all of things I didn’t do, I’ll go with all the stuff I did.

  • Watched a bunch of Killjoys – I’d started watching this at House Needs-A-Name, but didn’t finish it.
    So we finished it, and it was worth doing. Looking forward to the next season.
  • Was introduced to the show Assassination Classroom, and have watched the whole first season.
    Am also looking forward to season two.
    koro sensei - keep calm
  • Bought a new pair of jeans.
    The old ones started to give up the ghost somewhere in Taupo, or maybe Rotorua, but Wellington seemed the best place to replace them.
  • Recorded a Big Red Couch episode from the front room of The Great Hall.
    Seemed to go well, though, based on editing, I need to find a better microphone solution.

There was also a visit to Zealandia, to see birds. And critters.

Zealandia - Takahe


Zealandia - weta