Episode Forty Five – The Department of Monstrous Changes

The Department of Monstrous Changes

  • Finding & assisting newly-awakened Artificial Intelligences and other Transcendent Beings
  • Dealing with Superhero & Mutant outbreaks by trying to locate them before they fully develop their powers, so that they can be guided through the process
  • The Government Department responsible for the management & implementation of huge infrastructural & social change
  • Managing the steady evolution of classic monster movies to ensure that they’re relevant to modern society & represent the appropriate threat

Global Frequency


Imago / Imaginal

Punch (magazine)

The Singularity

Fight Fire, by Jason Morningstar, in Fate Worlds Volume One: Worlds On Fire

Atomic Robo

Better Off Ted / Veridian Dynamics


Department of Conservation

Parks and Rec
Men In Black (movie)
Men In Black (animated series)

Kappa (mythical critter)


Notifiable Medical Condition

Monsterkind (webcomic)


A Miracle Of Science (webcomic)

Civilization (game series)

Freddy Kruger
Bella Lugosi
Slender Man
Jeff the Killer
Barry the Chopper
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Are You Being Served? (tv series)

Teenagers From Outer Space RPG
Underground RPG

Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley

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About Testulon Jones

I'm The Administrator, (With My Pocket Calculator)

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