Episode One Hundred And Seventeen – Sailor Noir

Episode 117 - Sailor Noir
Episode 117 - Sailor Noir

With a special guest appearance by every damn bird in the area

You are the ultra powerful, “last resort” of your super hero team. You
are capable of so much, but can you restrain your abilities well enough?

Sailor scouts from multiple dimensions converge to confront a terrible threat. And their own bizarre counterparts.

Travelling between remote communities, an amateur detective attempts to solve mysteries in bleak and harsh environment without completely disrupting the finely poised community.

An isolated space station is stranded by the changing fortunes of trade and technology. Can the inhabitants work together to keep the lights on and everyone alive, or is it too late for that?

Turf war between renegade Magical Girl gangs is ugly, ugly thing.

Artist’s impression of Ben during this recording of this episode.



Apparently “Gun Furniture” now means “basically a fold-out couch, but for your personal arsenal”.  ~ T. Jones

Sailor Moon

Legend of the Overfiend pronunciation.

Shriekback – Nemesis 

Film Noir

Planet X AKA Niberu AKA Nemesis 

Oort Cloud

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – “Space is big…”

Big Red Couch Episode 5:  Bond,  behind the scenes.

RPG – Masks

Webcomics – Order Of The Stick

Webcomics – Goblins

Film – Into the Spiderverse (2018)

Film – Avatar (2009)

ErynCeriseHistory of Magical Girls

Anime – Puella Magi Madoka Magica (2011)

Novel Series – The Cadfael Chronicles

Wilfred Grenfell


You Tube Channel – Rare Earth

RPG – Dogs in the Vineyard

Film – Last Man Standing (1996)

Novel – Rimrunners by C.J. Cherryh

Novel – Glory by Alfred Coppel

Anime – Gunbuster (1988-89)

RPG – Flotsam: Adrift Among the Stars

Aime – Bleach

Film – The Warriors (1979)

Webcomic – Shattered Starlight

Webcomic – Sleepless Domain

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About Testulon Jones

I'm The Administrator, (With My Pocket Calculator)

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