Into the Mother Lands – An Original Afrofuturist TTRPG Kickstarter

Journey into a brighter, blacker future with Into the Mother lands, a brand-new sci-fi odyssey role-playing game, developed by a fantastic team of POC RPG designers. 

Set on the adopted home planet of Musalia, where humans arrived over 1500 years ago, fans of Wakanda and Star Trek will find a comfortable fit in this universe. Players can play as a descendants of the alien culture that called Musalia home before humans arrived, or as one of the cultures that evolved from the blending of human and alien technology over the centuries. Gameplay focuses on cultures, skills and values, so your character’s abilities are built around what they’re good at and what they care about to ensure a fully invested outcome. 

Into the Mother lands offers amazing POC talent to bring you a tale of interstellar exploration and adventurers led astray many generations past.

Here’s a link to the Kickstarter Campaign – Into The Mother Lands

Here’s a link to what I’d describe as the development site? Into The Mother Lands RPG

Former Big Red Coucher Kev put me on to this Kickstart, and it is hitting all of my “I want to go to Wakanda” buttons.
It is also hitting my “I would like there to be more diversity in my hobby” buttons, because I probably don’t need to take my shoes off to to be able to count the number of POC folks I’ve sat at a gaming table with.
~ Craig

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About Testulon Jones

I'm The Administrator, (With My Pocket Calculator)

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