A Flat Must Have A Name

So far, the best I’ve got is “The Winchester”, for the Shaun Of The Dead reference.

Backing up slightly; After almost two years living in a rented room in a place with cats who I’m sure you’re all sick of hearing about, I’m moving to a ( rented ) place of my own, closer to work.
Much closer.
Like, across the road.

Also, it’s right next door to the company flat I stayed in for a month when I first started the job, so there’s at least a chance that I can pick up the wifi through the wall, assuming the password hasn’t changed in two years.
( I mean, it’d be funny, but that feels like cheating, mostly because it is. Also, I have a crapload of mobile data )

New place is a studio, unfurnished, so I’ll need to get furniture, which will be the first big serious not-easy-to-move thing I’ve bought here, so the whole thing does have a certain air of permanence to it.
Or at least more permanence than a one-month notice period on a handshake tenancy of a furnished room.

Looks like this, though with less image manipulation, but more laminate flooring.
The furniture layout suggestion is a nice touch.

First-ish order of business is going to be rigging a blackout curtain or something in that gap between ‘Bedroom One’ and the lounge.
There’s a curtain rail, but it was clearly put up by an idiot, and I wouldn’t trust it to hold a cobweb.

I did have the idea that I could get a tall bookcase, put it on those roller things they use for moving appliances & heavy furniture, and have a sliding bookcase which could simultaneously block the light and allow me to pretend that I have a secret room in my apartment.