Well, That Went Better Than Expected

I’m now moved in at the new place ( provisionally The Winchester, but it’s still being workshopped, and the focus groups are still reviewing it ) and moved out of the old one.

The cats are going to be very confused; Nymphadora was obviously sulking at … Well, everyone … as I left, so she’s not taking it well. 😾

Moving happened in two parts, or maybe three if a bike trip counts.

Rode the bike down; It’s currently living in the lounge, as the sight of a set of handlebars chained to the bike rack did not fill me with confidence.

Took ( I think ) three loads by train, as a way to really hammer my train pass before it expires on Tuesday, concentrating on “Things Which Don’t Look Too Weird When Carried On The Train”. The suitcase with wheels was fine, as was the Big Red Backpack, but two pillowcases stuffed with pillows/duvet/a towel, one of which was wedged into a folding drying rack?

Yeah, that last one was a step too far.

And, of course, was the one time I saw someone I know from work. 🙄

The bulk of the stuff fitted, just, in a friend’s car, so it’s now all in the one place. And I found my coffee mug, so that’s a plus.

The new place shares two walls with the company flat I stayed in two years ago, when I first moved here. The wifi password, whatever it is, remains unchanged, because my tablet immediately connected. 😁