Sitting In Terminal 5 At LAX, Feeling Basically Human

So far, things have been uneventful.

There was the guy who didn’t want to get off the AirBus at the Ferry Building/Britomart end, and needed to be persuaded by the on-site security.
I’m guessing that alcohol may be a factor here.

Watched movies most of the way to LA; The Kingsmen, Insurgent, Ex Machina, and some of … a movie I can’t remember.
I sort of dozed for a while for parts of the flight, which may have helped.

Jupiter Ascending. That was the other one.

The nice people at US Customs & Border control got really interested in my travel plans once I said I was unemployed, but were fine with things after I showed an outgoing flight on my itinerary.
He then forgot to stamp my passport, and so I was called back to do that; ~shrug~ It happens, though was a bit nervousmaking, and I had to walk back up a short section of escalator.

They’ve got automated booth thingies at Terminal B, which kind of work. I think they’re here as a triage system, to filter into lines of lesser & greater attention.

I spent some time sitting on the floor at the Delta terminal, as I couldn’t check in until 6 hours before the flight.
Said terminal has no chairs landside, which kind of sucks for the layover crowd.
On the plus side, there are many chairs airside, plus a Rock & Brews bar/restaurant who sold me a food & an iced tea (not yet sure whether I like those), while music videos & MMA coverage played on big-ass TVs.

Oh, and a guy in a “Ngapuhi” shirt wandered by, which was unexpected.

Currently, I’m feeling better-hydrated, better fed, and more relaxed about the four-hour wait for my flight to Indianapolis.

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