Sitting Quietly In An Airport That Looks Like A Mall, Letting The Air-Con Sink In, All The Way Down To My Bones

Writing offline on my phone, due to laziness & the sheer amount of stuff piled atop Pangur Ban in my carry-on.

I got myself a ticket on the $10 shuttlebus into Indianapolis, but didn’t pay enough attention to note that the service starts at 8am, so I had a couple of hours to kill.
So be it; It’s not like the airport offers much less than the lobby of the JW Marriott. There’s a Starbucks, air-con, and somewhere to sit.
The JW probably also offers wifi & somewhere to stash a suitcase, but I’m doing OK without for the moment.

Found myself nodding off a fair bit at LAX while waiting for my flight, and managed to sleep a little on the flight itself. Only a little; I still re-watched Big Hero 6, an episode of what turns out to be a US remake of ‘Wilfred’, and a bit of Guardians Of The Galaxy.
I wish I could sleep on big planes.

Ended up with only 2 people in a 3-seat row, so we had room, which was nice.

Was still dark when the plane got in, and it’s light out there now, though I can’t tell whether it’s overcast, or there’s just a tint on the windows making everything grey.

The rough plan for today is to get _to_ the hotel, wait around there until I can get into my room, and have a very long shower. By my estimate, it’ll be 40 hours in the same clothes at a bare minimum by the time I make it to the hotel.
Hopefully will be catching up with Frank sometime this afternoon, though that may fall foul of jetlag & busy, depending on how our respective days go. Fingers crossed.

Didn’t bring a book with me, so I’m reading a copy of “The Roadside Picnic” on my phone.
It was either that or “Shark Ship”, and I’ve finished that before.

~~ time passes ~~

In the fullness of time I made it to the shuttlebus, and thence to the JW, where, because it was 8:40ish, they did not have a room for me.
This seems fair; Checkout isn’t until 11.