Day Two – So. Many. Show. Notes.

3am, my old nemesis; We meet again.
But this time, the advantage is … Well, still yours.

I slept until about 9:30, which seemed OK at the time, but here at the wrong side of 3am, seems like a mistake.

The only thing I had to do today was the shownotes on Big Red Couch episode 59, and they got done, though took a while.
The rough cut of the episode was 2.5 hours long, and notes take me maybe 1.5 times the episode length to do on a good day, so that’s basically what I did today.

I did take a walk through the ICC to see what had changed since yesterday.
The Will Call, Event Reg., Customer Service, and Badge Reg. kiosks and signs are up, along with the little fences for queue management.
There are rows of tables going up in the boardgaming halls.
The curtains between the … plots? allotments? stalls? … in the Exhibit Hall are going up, as are the banners hanging over the aisles.

Got a call in the evening from folks in Chicago-ish; Moni & Steven get into town sometime on Tuesday afternoon, so there are plans made there.

So, that was my day.
Maybe should have gotten out more, if that’s the reason I’m still awake. Alarm’s set, so we won’t be having a repeat of the 9:30am incident.

sleep is overrated