Day Three – Under The Remorseless Assault Of The Day-Star

I started today with some plans to go and do tourist things, but a walk to find the CVS demonstrated just what I was in for.
I did do a lap of the State Capitol building, to see whether I could spot a sign for tours of the building (according to the website they do happen), but couldn’t spot one, and the heat & humidity were getting pretty bad, so I inhaled a litre of water & retreated back to the land of air-con.
Naturally, I wandered through the ICC, to see what had changed. Quite a lot more signage, and a number of the company-specific rooms were being set up

Wall Hanging at Gen Con 2015, possibly having to do with Ortus Regni. (which I have probably spelled wrong)

Wall Hanging at Gen Con 2015, possibly having to do with Ortus Regni. (which I have probably spelled wrong)

I'm not really sure what this is about, but it looks Very Piratical

I’m not really sure what this is about, but it looks Very Piratical

Coming from a bitterly cold Auckland winter into an impressively, oppressively hot Indiana summer, combined with jet-lag, is doing an excellent job of kicking my ass for me. 🙂

the awesome feeling of sleeping well

Sometime in the afternoon Steven & Monica got in from Chicago (or maybe Chicago-ish?), so we met up in the lobby of their hotel, where they presented me with a bag of the stuff from last year’s VIG swag bag.

2014 VIG Swag-Bag Contents

2014 VIG Swag-Bag Contents

Frank turned up after work, and after a shuffling of cars out to the suburbs so that Steve & Moni weren’t paying $40 a day for hotel parking, we went to dinner at Bonefish in … some suburb. I have no idea where it is.
“Indianapolis somewhere” is my best guess.

It was a good night, and involved birthday cake (Monica had a birthday).

There’s not really a lot more to be said about the evening; We were joined by Mac (who is the chap who got my VIG badge last year), and later Kevin (who is a friend of Frank’s).
I’m not 100% sure when the evening broke up, but I think I got back to the hotel a bit after 11pm.