I’m dividing this day into chunks, because it’s mostly photographs.
I’d seen a cat in the hostel lobby ( there’s the bar area near the road, then the pool with one of those swim-up bars, and then the actual hostel reception area, a fair way back from the road ) a few times, but this time I got to say hello and was graciously allowed to stroke them a few times.

Not sure whether it’s a dirty white colour natural, or could just use a bath, but it seems well cared for & healthy.
Because I had an early start, I naturally slept badly. Couldn’t get the AC to a level where it was comfortable but also not annoying, though subsequent thought makes me wonder if some of the noise was actually the shower plumbing; There are some odd pressure effects going on in their system.
Hostel pickup went smoothly, though rather than a pickup for the tour it was a transport to their offices/waiting room, to then be divided into groups for all the different tours for the day.
The Angkor Wat part of the tour was us slowly meandering from the West Gate to the East Gate, led & occasionally hurried along by our guide, Sokpheok. May not have spelled that right.