NaGaDeMon, Day One

I found out about National Game Design Month a few weeks ago, when it was mentioned by Taz, a guest on the Big Red Couch.
The idea is to create, talk about, and play (at least once) a game during November.

Initially I’d understood it to be RPGs only, and had an idea of what I wanted to do, but then discovered that it’s games in general, which … complicated things.
Spent some time trying to decide between a table-top RPG about costumed vigilante robots, and a tactical boardgame about Zombies clearing out & securing a shopping mall.

The RPG won, primarily because the boardgame would need map tiles, playing pieces, and I suspect some iterative testing just to get the physical parts of the game to work together, long before anything like a playtest could happen.
With an RPG, all I need is an internet connection and some dupes with a few hours to kill.

As preparation, I downloaded Scrivener & worked through the tutorial, so I have at least a rudimentary understanding of how it works. I figure that after 20+ days of using the free trial in writing a game, I should have an idea as to whether I’d want to buy it.

Today’s ‘Game Design’ time was spent setting up a Scrivener project for the as-yet-unnamed game, downloading some resources, and getting to grips with the particulars of the Creative Commons licence on Fate Accelerated, so that I’ve got some idea as to what I can and can’t do.
The answer to that seems to be “Anything I Want, So Long As I Attribute It” and “Imply Or Say That Evil Hat Endorse What I Did”.