NaGaDeMon, Week One

This week, I planned to knock out a piece of linking fiction for the game (which I now have a name for, so Go Me!) in the first few days, then spend a bunch of time on system.

Clearly, this was never going to happen, though I have spent time staring at my computer.


Hmmmm, what's a good backcronym for 'name'?

I do have notes for how that linking fiction works, and what points to hit along the way; Some written at the aforementioned computer, some on my phone, and some scribbled in a wee notebook while seated on a couch at a shopping mall, waiting to see a movie, which were then photographed & uploaded.
(Did I mention how much I’m liking being able to access OneNote & Word documents, and my cloud storage space, from my phone? ‘Cause it’s pretty damn useful)

While this was happening, I’ve also been working on a one-shot RPG for an actual play podcast. As in, another podcast who do actual plays, The Gutter Skypes. I’ve run a one-shot for them once before, and they seemed to enjoy it, and asked if I could do another sometime, if I was free.

The two projects have kind of converged, as I realised that the system problems I was mulling over for my NaGaDeMon idea were being solved in the one-shot.
Bit of a time saver, that.

A conversation with Kev let me kick around a few of those ideas, and clarify something I’d not been able to decide on (how to handle damage), and has left me with a much better handle on the system.

So, yeah, surprisingly productive week.
