Tag: Gen Con

  • In Which Craig Looks At The Gen Con 2022 Event List

    Being a listing of the things which I found by specifically looking for them by company or system, or just by scrolling through the list and spotting a name which made me say “What’s that about?” I have no idea how many of these I’m going to end up playing;Some are on the list because…

  • Gen Con (Online) 2021

    For obvious reasons, I’m not going to be attending Gen Con in person this year; I’ll be doing the online variant instead. Last year they did an online version because there could be no in-person convention, this year they’re doing both, though the in-person one is reduced in number of people, number of events, and…

  • A Non-Gaming Gen Con Thing

    A Non-Gaming Gen Con Thing

    I’ve not gone back to reread all of the Gen Con posts, but I am wondering whether they come across as more of a colossal tale of woe and despair than I’m really wanting them to. Yes, stuff went wrong; Transport getting there was chaotic & disrupted, and the ending of the holiday was not…

  • Trying To Sum Up Gen Con / Holiday 2019

    It’s difficult to know where to start.A lot has happened, both at the con and after it, much of it kind of horrible. Focusing On The Good – The Games Didn’t have a bad game this time around.There was one ( “The Strange” ) which didn’t start well because multiple players had also run the…