TTRPGs for Trans Rights in Texas!

In response to Governor Greg Abbott and the Texas Attorney General Office’s transphobic declarations, we have brought together all of these games in support of trans rights. have a bundle in support of Trans Rights in Texas.
Here’s the link:
And here’s the description of the bundle & the reasons for the bundle:

In response to Governor Greg Abbott and the Texas Attorney General Office’s transphobic declarations, we have brought together all of these games in support of trans rights. 

Trans children are extremely vulnerable, and the actions of the Texas government will put them and any supportive loved ones in danger. Providing funds to trans advocacy groups and support networks helps keep trans folx afloat in Texas.

Proceeds from this bundle will be split between two organizations: Transgender Education Network of Texas (TENT) and Organización Latina de Trans en Texas (OLTT). TENT supports gender diverse equality in Texas through educational efforts on an individual, community, corporate, and legislative level. They also provide emergency relief fund grants to trans people in need.

Organización Latina de Trans en Texas is a trans-centered, trans-run nonprofit that focuses on creating safe spaces for trans, gender non-conforming, and intersex Texans. They provide shelter space, both long and short term residences, gender and name change legal aid, and other community building services for trans people.

This bundle is also being offered in partnership with Hit Point Press: If you purchase this bundle, send a screencap of your receipt to to receive a game file from their library!

Solarian Games would also like to offer some of their Top Secret products for folx who purchase this bundle! Email a screenshot of your receipt to receive download keys.

Thanks to Jess and Mo of HuetopiaTV for helping organize this bundle! –

There are things in this bundle that I/we had heard of ( Noirlandia , A Dirty World , Wanderhome ), and there are some that are unfamiliar ( Jonathan Frakes Wants Your Attention, And You Must Not Give It To Him )
As I type this, there are 493 items in this bundle, with a regular-price value of $2823.
They’re asking for $5 or more.

Questlandia RPG – Updated and Expanded

Questlandia is a game where we build a world together, then play out a turning point in its history. We each take on the role of someone living in a fantastical kingdom. Whether our characters are kings or merchants, warriors or gardeners, they’ll attempt to pursue their own dreams while the society around them falls apart.  We don’t play as heroes seeking to save our kingdom, but by the end of our story, our actions might change the world.

You’ve no doubt heard Ben mention Questlandia on the show.
The makers ( Turtlebun ) have, as it were, ‘done it up’, and are running a Kickstarter for the Updated/Expanded edition, so … here’s the link?

How to RPG with Your Cat

It seems like this might appeal to some folks out there;

How to RPG with Your Cat , Kickstarting right now, from OddFish Games

The Kickstart will end before the next Big Red Couch episode goes to air, so I’m dropping the link here, for those of y’all who might find such a thing of interest.

Into the Mother Lands – An Original Afrofuturist TTRPG Kickstarter

Journey into a brighter, blacker future with Into the Mother lands, a brand-new sci-fi odyssey role-playing game, developed by a fantastic team of POC RPG designers. 

Set on the adopted home planet of Musalia, where humans arrived over 1500 years ago, fans of Wakanda and Star Trek will find a comfortable fit in this universe. Players can play as a descendants of the alien culture that called Musalia home before humans arrived, or as one of the cultures that evolved from the blending of human and alien technology over the centuries. Gameplay focuses on cultures, skills and values, so your character’s abilities are built around what they’re good at and what they care about to ensure a fully invested outcome. 

Into the Mother lands offers amazing POC talent to bring you a tale of interstellar exploration and adventurers led astray many generations past.

Here’s a link to the Kickstarter Campaign – Into The Mother Lands

Here’s a link to what I’d describe as the development site? Into The Mother Lands RPG

Former Big Red Coucher Kev put me on to this Kickstart, and it is hitting all of my “I want to go to Wakanda” buttons.
It is also hitting my “I would like there to be more diversity in my hobby” buttons, because I probably don’t need to take my shoes off to to be able to count the number of POC folks I’ve sat at a gaming table with.
~ Craig

“Delvers to Grow” Kickstart

We were contacted about a Kickstarter campaign, and, as so often happens, it fell with surgical precision into the gap between episodes, so there was no way to get it onto the show in time. So, in the interests of boosting the signal, here’s the pitch;

Delvers to Grow
(Dungeon Fantasy RPG, Powered by GURPS)

Fast, modular character generation. Would-be heroes from 62 points and higher as player characters, henchmen, or supporting cast.

Zero-to-Hero with the Dungeon Fantasy RPG
Even the mightiest delver started somewhere. An apprentice, a squire or man-at-arms, a backup singer with The Backstreet Bards.

Delvers to Grow allows you to take the part of those starting characters, supporting starting play as low as 62 points. Delvers to Grow provides pre-built modules and packages enabling a player to create a capable, playable character in minutes.

Get gaming. Fast.
Fully compatible with the professional template system in the Dungeon Fantasy RPG Adventurers book, Delvers to Grow lets you start much earlier in the hero’s journey, letting both players and GMs ease into the full breadth of capability that the professional delvers of the Dungeon Fantasy RPG bring to the table.

Explore different challenges or use the modules to effortlessly assemble henchmen…or create a starting character to replace the dearly departed.

At the time of writing they’re maybe £1600 away from their goal, with 11 days to go.

Earthquake in New Zealand

There was an earthquake, followed by a large number of large aftershocks across a large swath of the country, in the South Island of New Zealand a couple of days ago.

Followed by some tsunami warnings which had people heading for high ground along a good chunk of the East Coast.

Followed by a storm which blew into the middle of the country to really make things difficult.

I have no idea whether it made the news in your area; We are, after all, right out at the raggedy edge of the world in some respects, and there are some fairly momentous things happening these days.
I’d like to let you know that the Big Red Couch crew are all fine.

  • (Craig) am in the UK, and would have to try very hard to get any further from the quakes.
  • Ben lives hundreds of kilometers from the events, and is unaffected. And until he read the news reports, unaware.
    (that said, some people in the same city did feel them)
  • Kevin & Tonya live much closer, and felt the quakes to be significant enough to seek shelter from any falling objects.
    (their cat slept through the whole thing)

Sadly, there have been fatalities from this; Two as I write this.

There’s no shortage of news reports from sources across the full range of reliability, but here, if you’re interested, is the Official Word from Geonet, who are the go-to people in New Zealand for this sort of thing – M7.5 Kaikoura Quake: What we know so far

And now, a request.

Please, if you don’t have an emergency kit at home, wherever home may be, put one together.
If you do have one, now would be a fantastic time to check that it’s up to date, nothing’s expired, the electrical bits actually work, … That sort of thing.