Audient Ideas – Rainy Sunday Edition

The (Elder) Gods are quite literally playing games with us, and it’s not going well; How do we fix that?
What would the Scooby-Doo team make of a Cenobite Puzzle Box? Or a Cenobite?
After the fall of the Old Gods, believers venture forth into the wilds of Iowa, under the aegis of The King, to quest in Elvis’ Name.
The Mystery Machine finds those who believe in the otherworldly, so that they can be spirited away to a more magical place. But not necessarily a nice one.

The Fellowship of the Ring – Weathertop

Episode Fifty Five – The Thirteenth Interplanetary Curling Competition

K-T Extinction

Stargate SG-1

Whispering Vault
Atomic Robo RPG


Squirrel Girl

Edgar Rice Burroughs

“Requiem for Norway’s Glorious Olympic Curling Pants”

Boot Hill

Episode Fifty Seven – Cenobite Scooby-Doo

The Cadfael Chronicles

Episode Five – Bond: Behind The Scenes

Leverage (TV)
Leverage (RPG)

Shadowrun (Catalyst Game Labs)
Shadowrun (wikipedia)

Margaret Weis Productions

Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated – That Hellraiser reference and comparison.

Fright Night

Gen Con

Episode Fifty Eight – The Ages Of Elvis

What is OSR about? (EN World)

Six String Samurai

Base Raiders

Dragonlance (RPG Setting & Campaign)

Dogs In The Vineyard

Cargo Cult

Preacher (comic)
The Dark Tower series
The Talisman
Midnight Nation (comic)

Episode Twelve – Starbutt Magic-Horse And The Existential Vacuum Of Modern Acquaintance

RPG Terminology – Lines and Veils

Amnesia Moon
Gun, With Occasional Music

Episode Fifty Six – Five Political Assassinations, Four Political Collapses; My Work Is Done.

Various games by Epidiah Ravachol


Further (bus)

Changeling: The Lost
Changeling: The Dreaming

The Teletubbies perform “I Fink U Freeky” by Die Antwoord (Explicit Lyrics)

Die Antwoord
Sigur Rós
The Dresden Files RPG
The Dresden Files RPG: Volume 3 – The Paranet Papers



OE (New Zealand’s tradition)

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About Testulon Jones

I'm The Administrator, (With My Pocket Calculator)

4 thoughts on “Audient Ideas – Rainy Sunday Edition

  1. John Reiher says:

    Another wonderful episode! And I think I caught that Hellraiser reference in Mystery Inc. Ha!

    Anyway, as for next time, “I am a proud possessor of a demonic amplifier”, hmm, lemme think.

    OK, it’s what it says on the tin. It’s a demonic Amp, one used by a band when they play a small venue. And it goes up to _13._ {Cue demonic laughter}

    The band, oh let’s call them (consults a Metal Band Name generator) Goat Tranquillity, a heavy metal band, travels the bars and casinos of America, playing gigs and living the sybaritic lifestyle of a Black Sabbath cover band. They are an OK cover band, whether they are doing “Die Young” or “Heaven in Black”, they manage to sound almost like their British idols.

    They aren’t good enough to be called a “Tribute band” but hey, with another 10,000 hours of practice, they might be.

    But it’s their reputation as troublemakers that keeps them from riding on the coattails of the real Black Sabbath. Whenever they play a bar or bar mistvah, that’s when they pull out the 13th Amp.

    Physically, it looks like a Voodoo Amplification’s Hex model of amplifier. (A real company. though, as previously stated, all its dials go to 13. They use it because it’s very reliable, the thing has never broken down or otherwise caused a problem, no matter how many times the lead guitarist, Toby Sodmeyer pours a beer into it.

    But they they use it in these small venues, things get… funny. Normally staid and responsible people start doing things out of character… Sinful things. Virgins seek to end their status right then and there. Pacifists get involved in a fist fight over whether Ghandi was a fashion horse. And the sins and behavior reflect the song the band plays. Ooooh, scary.

    So what would I use to deal with this. Oh my, this falls into the purview of The Most Secret Government Organization You’ve Never Heard Of™: The 13 Bureau of Justice, AKA Bureau 13: Stalking the Night Fantastic.

    The agents would be clued into this scenario by the string of police reports of lewd behavior, fights, and just plain weirdness that follows Goat Tranquillity as they go from venue to venue.

    I’d set this up with a list of venues that Goat Tranquillity will be playing at, with the first one at The Lucky Oniare Casino in Buffalo, NY. Since GT won’t be using the 13th Amp there, nothing will happen. It’s only when they end their week at the casino that they then go Ted’s Big Buffalo Wings Bar & Grill to play a couple of nights that the amp is used and all Hell breaks loose. I would play it by ear to see how the players handle this and whether or not they make the connection with the amp or think it’s one of the band’s instruments.

  2. Tim Soholt says:

    Pretty sure the snails and oysters reference is to a deleted scene from the Kirk Douglas film version. It’s a *very* thinly veiled allegory for sexual preference. I haven’t seen Mystery Inc., but I guess they decided that Velma is as interested in Daphne as Fred is?

    • Ben says:

      Huh, I’d assumed that was reference to the more recent “Spartacus: Blood and Sand” from a random scene with Lucy Lawless in it. Yes, that was a rather too thinly veiled for the ’60’s. Brave stuff.

      Velma spends the start of Mystery Inc. trying to spend time with Shaggy without Scooby, but Norville is worried that his pal will suffer abandonment issues and “dumps” her. There is a streak of teenage romantic angst in this series, which is definitely different from previous ones. It’s not terribly overt and is mostly poor Daphne trying to deal with Fred’s obsession with the construction and springing of elaborate traps.

      There are some oblique signs that a secondary character, Marcy AKA “Hot Dog Water”, has feelings for Velma (other than deadly science fair rivalry) but as it involves alternate title sequences and possible alternate timeline, it’s hard to say.

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