A collection of Travel & Gaming & “What’s On My Mind” posts

  • I’m not 100% on whether I can or should post other people’s pictures from the day, so for the sake of simplicity, I won’t. And, fair warning, this is going to be a bit rambly and disjointed. Didn’t sleep badly,…

  • It was an early start; Everyone else in the car was heading for Gatwick, but I was flying out of Heathrow because I’d booked later due to being in Thailand, so I was very kindly dropped off along the way.…

  • I left out a few train stations along the way

  • I think I took just enough stuff with me for the trip, and I can only think of a few items which never got used. The Mosquito Net, which was recommended by the place I got my travel vaccinations from…

  • Collecting, as I think of them, the little moments from the trip which probably didn’t stand out as a big deal at the time, but which stuck with me. A German guy at the hostel in Hanoi mentioned the huge…

  • I did some figuring, to try to work out how long I was mostly awake on the flight back. For these purposes, I’m defining ‘proper sleep’ as those times when I could lie down & be asleep for a decent…

  • My airport hotel rate included breakfast, so I set an alarm, partially so that I’d be awake in time for checkout, but mostly so I could be sure to hit the buffet in a relaxed & dignified manner. Or something…

  • The hope was that with a decent night of sleep in Singapore, and some napping on the plane, I’d be able to go and do something during the layover. I’m not sure why I didn’t do an overnight layover in…

  • I could have gone into some more detail on the hostel, and why it wasn’t great. Mostly it’s just cramped; more beds crammed into the dorms than is sensible for allowing people to move around. My actual bed was fine,…

  • Slept pretty well at the hostel in Bangkok, and got to the airport in plenty of time for the flight to Singapore. I’d assumed that I’d need to get a Grab or Taxi or something, but the hostel had a…

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