Episode Seventy – A Coffee Shop Named “Holy Grounds”

A Coffee Shop Named HOLY GROUNDS

Baristas battle for the fate of the world in coffee-making competitions. On rooftops. With Queen soundtracks.

A coffee shop where powerful entities meet to negotiate their ways out of ancient conflicts.

A slice of life game about the staff of a coffee shop as they deal with magical customers, magical ingredients, and the occasional magical troublemaker.

The church coffee shop is one of the few remaining places of safety & centres of community after a supernatural apocalypse.

Callahan’s Crosstime Saloon, but with coffee.

“Holy Grounds” is an accorded neutral ground in a coffee shop inside a remodelled church.

Just how far can you push your line of BS as you keep the other folks in the café, and your host, Holly Grounds, entertained?

Holy Grounds is down a twisty narrow alley through a door you’d swear wasn’t there before, and serves a quite literally angelic cup of coffee, with a side of advice.

Times are tough and things are hard for a theatre troupe, so a command performance for the Dark Overlord can’t be passed up, even if it’s not really a good idea. Or a safe one.

When you enter The Market you can achieve whatever your more desperate desire may be. The only price is that afterwards you must leave and, in so doing, forget the experience of having achieved your desire.

Here are some links to stuff we nattered about

Episode Sixty Nine – The Canadians On Their War Mosquitos

The Canadians On Their War Mosquitos

The Canadians are coming!  Wait, they were here, politely waiting, the whole time!  The maple syrup is coming from inside the house!

Can the “poor cousin” Summer Fae Court of Prince Edward Island hold off the might of an Atlantean invasion? Indeed, why are they trying to do it alone?

Thrill to the plucky miniaturised adventures of Canadian Super-science soldiers working to defeating the Axis threat!

“BarFly: The Drinkening” – Evade belligerent  geography quizzes and inebriated hangers-on in this fun-for-all-ages experience*.  (*Not for all ages.)

Earth is invaded by gigantic, oblivious aliens, against whom conventional warfare is useless.  Can humanity turn their own parasites against them?

The Secret History of the War of 1812: Hidden masters wield insect swarms and martial arts in the conflict between formative nations.

In a weird World War One, a squadron of Canadian flyers take to the air on fantastic mechanical insects.









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Episode Sixty Eight – The All-Singing, All-Dancing, Musical Dungeon Crawl!

The All-Singing, All-Dancing, Musical Dungeon Crawl

Players in a room escape game find that they’ve been wildly more successful than they expected, and have escaped from the modern world into a realm of medieval fantasy.

The BEST sort of dungeon to hide your treasure in is one that’s always nearby, so if it’s hidden inside a song, all you really need to access it is a lute & the words. Anyone could do it. Of course, that just gets you through the door; You still have to sing, dance, and orate your way through the story, and unlike the composer, you don’t know the words.

Further Show NOTES. Notes? Get it? Huh!? … ~sigh~ … I am not a funny person. 

Episode Sixty Seven – Once There Was A Story About Perversion, Wanderlust, And A Linguistics Expert; A Story No One Knows

Episode Sixty Seven - Once There Was A Story About Perversion, Wanderlust, And A Linguistics Expert; A Story No One Knows

The future lingua franca of humanity has been lost to the mists of time and the march of entropy.  Can you find the fragments of the last touchstone before it is gone forever?

Travelers exchange stories of adventure and serendipity, each one merging into the other.

And with thanks to our Audient for their contributions;

Kedamono weaves a story of a mysterious oasis and the stiff upper lips of the daring explorers who seek its elusive secrets!

Burning pitches a tale of a plucky band of assistants to a two-fisted, square-jawed hero who have to retrieve their mentor from the clutches of the Devil Himself!



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Episode Sixty Six – We’re On The Road To Heck! Please Refrain From Impeding Our Progress!

We're on the road to Heck! Please refrain from impeding our progress!

Dedicated lawmen take a demon-hunting road trip through the cultural history of Route 66.

Heading into small-town New Zealand can be more about the journey than the destination.

The world is going to hell, and it’s annoying the magical community, who’ve come together to sort it out.
Naturally, they’re doing it in Central Park.

Two alien powers attempt to coax & lure Humanity into joining their respective faction.

Sure, sitting on a couch as it travels through the multiverse is dignified, or at least relaxed, but having to squeeze in between the cushions is much funnier.

Here are some links to stuff we nattered about

Episode Sixty Five – An Unconventional War

An Unconventional War

The world  has woken up on full war footing.  The enemy is known, your role is clear, but nobody knows why.

A “spoiler” convention has been scheduled a week ahead of yours.  Go undercover in your best pointy ears and may’luch so you may move among them and undermine their plans.

Revolt in the orbital platforms teeters between sabotage and the catastrophic re-entry of the station.

….and with some inter-cultural exchange on the topic of Halloween.

Here are some of things we nattered about.

Audient Ideas with Alex

Audient Ideas with Alex

Dissatisfied Immortals plot against the heads of their own pantheon.

When a dispute among the gods reaches an impasse, what would happen if they turned to mortal justice?

Baby’s First Super-villain Lair!  Now with added minions!

A heavy metal band is inexplicably being…    …nice.  Supernatural forces must be responsible!

The Big Red Couch is omnipresent, eternal, and unchanging.  Also pretty comfy.  You could go anywhere, but why would you bother?

Things we nattered about!

Episode Sixty Four – Swamp Alligator Hoe-Down

Swamp Alligator Hoe-Down

Moonshining Were-Alligators; Solitary folks, but with a certain sense of community.

Tensions between rival gangs of supernatural creatures are building towards a war. The proposed truce is in jeopardy, so how do you make it hold?

A trainload of strangers has just hit town, bringing excitement and wonder. And danger.
And nobody seems to see this but you.

Here are some links to stuff we nattered about

Episode Sixty Three – Donut Tax Outrage!



Chunky adolescents and over-weight officers of the law band together to protect their common love from a dark, portion-controlled dystopia.

Hard-bitten agents and steely eye operatives are forced to confront the terrors of the Pastry Principality.  Can they find the cause of the world’s dwindling reserves of the space that goes in the middle of donuts.  But what does the hole in the donut represent, really?

Who can stand against the House of the Deep Fried Dough, with money, power, and their Icing-ed up Murder-Bread minions?

Temporal smugglers ply a trade for artisan baked goods with the boutique past.  Contemporary fast-food chains pillage extinct species to expand their menus.

“The Donut” houses the entrance to a legendarily inescapably prison.  Breaking the inmates out will not be a piece of cake.


Bonus!: Listener Kedamono spins the delicious tale of fiscal skulduggery in the toothsome Kingdom of Dinnerell.


Here are some links to stuff we nattered about.

Episode Sixty Two – BIG RED COUCH


The paths between worlds take the form of airport terminals & concourses extending into infinity.

A shadowy bureau charged with protecting the world from extradimensional horrors launches an investigation into what is OBVIOUSLY a series of coded messages, akin to a numbers station, disguised as an RPG podcast.

Faced with a presently-unavoidable catastrophe, Humanity sends out thousands of probes to find new things, get into new forms of trouble, and run endless simulations on whether the fix is useful to the folks back home.
Basically, virtualised Star Trek RPGers.

There’s an inexplicable Big Red Couch in the middle of a highway; Why?

To the creatures living within the warp & weft of upholstery, The Big Red Couch is their entire world.


Here are some links to stuff we nattered about