Episode Six – Food Court Wars

Craig visits the world of Faerie, Tonya reaches for the Stars, Kev imagines Superheroic Food Service, and Ben goes for Reality TV.

Storyteller Cards
We were contacted by Jason Tagmire, who pointed us at his Kickstart for Storyteller Cards; These idea-prompters are very much where the Big Red Couch lives, and my personal favorite is “Screaming Boxer In Library With Treasure Map”.
If you like the Take An Idea And Run With It basis of the Big Red Couch, these cards are totally worth a look.
Storyteller Cards: A Playing Card Deck To Inspire Creativity

The Gutter Skypes
The Gutter Skypes were kind enough to talk about us on their podcast, due to the emailing talents of listener Bob H, so we’d like to return the favor, & encourage you to wander over and listen to their Actual Play Podcast.
It is through them, and them alone, that I am now aware of the existence of “Leopard Women of Venus”, and my life is better for it. ~craig~
The Gutter Skypes

Current Tabletop RPG Offers
Every single book in the Monsters and Other Childish Things game line from Arc Dream publications is available in a bundle at 75% off until the end of May, or until 100 people take them up on the offer. It’s a fantastic series that gets referenced in the Big Red Couch, and detailed reviews are up at RPG.net.

Additionally, the creators of Fate Core and Fate Accelerated Edition, Evil Hat, have always intended to release PDFs of the games pay-as-you-want.  They have kindly opened the offer early, and have said that Kickstarter backers (such as The Big Red Couch) can share links to downloads of the files, along with donation options should people decide the products are worth money.  Contact us in this thread with an email address or or email us directly at bigredcouch AT hoarde DOT net, and we’ll share the information.  They’re great games, and you’ll undoubtedly be hearing more about them as the Big Red Couch proceeds.

Here are some links to stuff we nattered about

Episode Five – Bond: Behind The Scenes

Things get off to a rocky start when Kev has trouble making out Craig’s handwriting, and we nearly had a show about “Band: Behind The Scenes”. In his defense, Craig’s handwriting is pretty bad.



Kev came up with Bond-Sothoth
Craig wonders why nobody ever thinks of the minions
Ben suggests that a movie shoot can hide many things
Tonya imagines the shadowy battles fought backstage at festivals, and the colossal marketing exercise that is James Bond

Here are some links to stuff we nattered about

Episode Two – Mexico Is Missing An Island

…in which we take enormous liberties with Geography, History, and International Politics, along with discussing ideas as broad and varied as wandering great-souled islands exploring the world, folk heroes gathering from across time, Emperor Norton’s vision-quests, and punching the giant Ugly Fish.

As part of the ongoing evolution of The Big Red Couch, we tried something different this time and actually researched our ideas, which meant the vibe was a little different this time, and some ideas were similar.

We’ve had some great feedback on our first episode which we are incorporating into future episodes, including suggestions for handling audio differently!  Of course, given that we’re very organised for once and have an extensive buffer organised ahead of time, you won’t see the impact of the feedback for a while.  Even so, we’re Very Excited About It.

Here are some links to stuff we nattered about

Episode One – Alcatraz

So, here it is.

Our first ‘proper’ episode.

Hope y’all like it.

It features concepts inspired by the seed idea of “Alcatraz,” and presents ghost stories, time travel, super-powered shenanigans involving Victorian prison ships, and SPAAAACE.  Also discussions of My Little Prison-Break and Canterlot’s Ass-Phrenologists.

Here are some links to stuff we nattered about