Episode One Hundred And Seventy Five – Gangsters Of Dreams / Goosedusa

Activate The Goose-ducer! – Descendants of an end-of-days science experiment battle the descendants of a different end-of-days science experiment through the use of yet another end-of-days science experiment.

The Dream Police Want To Make Sure That Nothing Is Inside Your Head – Dreaming is illegal, Science Rays ensure that nobody dreams, and Z-Leggers smuggle stolen dreams through sleepeasys. There’s a reason for this, and the Government say it’s a neccesary thing, but … Is it a good enough reason?

A Mobster Calls – Telepresence work shifts aren’t fun, but the rest of prison life here is OK, the counselling staff seem nice, and the guards are weirdly unconcerned about what you’re up to. It’s a nice place to serve your time, but those older counselling staff, the ones who give off the ‘former inmate’ vibe, keep dropping hints that you can’t even see the real prison.


Episode One Hundred And Seventy Three – Pastry-Fu: Crouching Cruller, Hidden Donut

Donuts & Crullers – Ben starts to make a game about a TV Genre he hates, and ends up inventing a card mechanic for cooking competitions.

24/7 Coffee & Questions – Craig tries to come up with an explanation for the “high-level adventurer running a tavern” trope, and ends up with a mystery hiding in plain sight.

The Bangers & Mash Are Coming! – The International Food section of the Grocery Isles is under threat from the Anglican Food Empire, and the East Asian Pastries are all that stands to protect them from an endless beige buffet.

Kiwi RPG Week 2022
