Episode One Hundred And Sixty Four – Question The Fog

The World Is Over, You Survived – The world ended, society, civilization, and the basic fabric of the land have shattered, and an enormous amount has been lost, including the knowledge of what actually happened. Figuring it out will involve traveling to the scattered fragments of the world, each of which has its own soundtrack.

We’re All Lost In The Fog, And We’re Not Alone – A medieval town is isolated by a thick shifting fog, and threatened by the creatures roaming around inside that fog. But the fog itself seems to be trying to hide the townsfolk, and while people are reporting seeing strange creatures of legend & myth moving around town, they seem to be just as trapped and scared as everyone else.

Kids On Grav Bikes – The adventures of the kids on a Starfleet Ship as they encounter and investigate the sort of things that the Crew just don’t take seriously, occasionally assisted by the mysterious proprietor of the lower deck bagel kiosk.