Day One – Long Lines, Big Crowds, A Visit Form The Swag Fairy, Cremefillians, No Inspectres, The Late Late Late Show, and Bee Coffee

Long Lines

In previous years I joined the line for VIG Early Access to the Dealer/Exhibit Hall early, to try to get a decent place.
This year, based on some faulty assumptions, I decided that I could just join the end of the line a bit before the 9am start, and not have to stand in line so long.

Had a brain-fade and joined said line at maybe 20 to 9; It stretched a long way at that point, all the way down a corridor and back.
As an indication of how long the line was, here are a couple of texts I sent;


Once the line started moving, it did so pretty quickly, and I got to chat to the guy behind me, who is the proprietor of a boardgame café in Thailand;

LanLaLen Boardgame Cafe, in Nakhonpathom, Thailand

LanLaLen Boardgame Cafe, in Nakhonpathom, Thailand

Once in the hall,  things went pretty well.
Found my first target/booth/destination, which effortlessly removed $100 from my wallet; They were quite pleasant.

The folks at Campaign Coins remembered me, as did the proprietor at Indie Press Revolution, which is kind of nice.


Big Crowds

I tried to get video of the crowds rushing into the Dealer Hall when they open up to the plebeian masses non-VIG’s at 10am, but … It just didn’t capture the whole “Flood Of Humanity” thing.

They flooded in, and a steady torrent, for maybe ten minutes.
Even after the flow slowed, it was still difficult to make your way against the stream, and often required that you find a calm spot, protected from the current, until there’s a temporary gap which will allow you to grab a few metres of forward motion, making it into the lee of the next Booth/Stand/Rubbish Bin.


A Visit From The Swag Fairy

The content of said swag is is covered in a different post, over here.

I ended up sitting at a table chatting to a group from New Jersey, who were all sharing a VIG Badge + Companion Badges arrangement, and were running an NFL-style draft pick system for the swag, which was fun to watch.
As a bonus, one of them actually played Yu-Gi-Oh!, so I was able to get rid of the pack from the 2014 swag by giving it to him; I dropped it off at his hotel, which made the whole thing very easy.



First up was a Low Life game, a “Spork & Sorcery” game using Savage Worlds, described a bit better in this post.

It’s interesting, but probably not my sort of game.
The scenario didn’t quite work; “Go investigate this thing” has the trouble that, particularly in a kind of silly game, it’s hard to know when you’ve found what you were supposed to find.
A GM who is clearly more interested in his setting than in using the system is fine (he offered to go fully narrative, but at least one of the players wanted to try the Savage Worlds system), but combine this with disorganised character sheets & a GM who held some of the important information in his head, and it got a little frustrating.

On the plus side, I got to play a Cremefillian, an creature descended from a Twinkie.


No Inspectres

There was supposed to be an Inspectres game, but something went wrong.

I turned up late because Low Life ran overtime, and was further delayed by the escalators at the JW being out, and then by going the wrong way at the Marriott next door, having assumed that a corridor was a loop.
It was not, so I had to backtrack.

There were two people plus the GM when I got there, and they had been getting worried that they were it, but with me turning up things were looking like the other players had also been delayed, but when I got back from filling a water bottle, they’d realised that we three were going to be the only players. The GM felt that it would run really badly with three, and a call by the other guys to some friends led nowhere, so the game was called off.

The other two players were going to come back the next day, to try to get into another session, but that didn’t work for my timetable, so the Former Inspectres GM & I went to a LARP-ish session of “It Came From The Late Late Late Show” where they only had four players, and were suffering as a result.


The Late Late Late Show

They called this a One Camera LARP, because it was in one room, with one scene happening at a time.
There were character sheets, but we didn’t use them, and the thing was pretty free-form.

I was playing the James Dean-inspired high school bad boy who, along with five others, had just been given only a few hours to get the Principal’s signature on a scholarship application. Said principal had not been seen at the school in some time, so after a brief attempt to forge his signature, we went to look for him.

At his house, we discovered that;

  1. His house was a creepy Victorian Mansion
  2. He was hanging upside down over a crocodile pit, thanks to a trap he’d been testing
  3. He’s a mad scientist or villain of some sort
  4. It’s possible to rip out wrought-iron gates with a truck & trick-shot them into a basement through the open front doors so that you can use them to cover the pit when you lower a trapped person to safety, provided that you’re relaxed about property damage
  5. He wouldn’t sign the Community Service requirement section unless we foiled the caper planned by another Evil Mastermind

A short trip to Chicago & the ‘rental’ of a boat got us to the Evil Mastermind’s lair, carved into a hitherto-unknown volcano in Lake Michigan, and my faith in the destructive potential of what had previously been thought of as the ‘brains’ part of the team (as distinct from myself & the redneck with the pickup truck) was restored when their solution to ‘how do we use a torpedo from that submarine over there to blow open that door’ was to play with the ballast to raise the bow, bore-sight it, and direct fire a torpedo into the door.

After some running, and capture, and escape, we discovered that the caper was to steal Mt. Rushmore using Zeppelins.
Naturally, in order to stop this, we had to saddle up the mutant flying squirrels found behind the “In Case Of Emergency” hatch, fly to Dakota (not sure which one), and attack the airships with anything flammable.

Basically, our community service was to save an American Icon.



Somewhere in here I wandered over to drop off Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, chatted with Tom in the VIG lounge, and we both caught up with Chris, who we’d met in that self-same lounge in 2012. Chris had been wondering where all the people he recognised had gone, and thus was happy to see us.
It’s all a bit hazy in the timeline department, and I cannot help but think that 8 hours of gaming in a row is too much for sanity.

Sometime after that, I wandered back to the JW & got some dinner.
I was going to head for bed, a bit after midnight, when, …


Bee Coffee

Frank texted me from Bee Coffee (coffee place opposite the convention centre who get right into Gen Con), where he was waiting to walk someone to her car at the end of her shift, wondering if I wanted a coffee.

I wandered over, we chatted for a bit, and then walked one of the baristas to her car, which was a hell of a long way away through some frankly dodgy areas. Apparently they’d been offered free car parking for their late opening nights during Gen Con, but it was not what you’d call ‘convenient’.
Or salubrious. Or an area you’d want to be walking through alone at night.

Put it this way; I was glad of the company on the walk back.

Posted in Gen Con 2015, Holiday 2015 | Comments Off on Day One – Long Lines, Big Crowds, A Visit Form The Swag Fairy, Cremefillians, No Inspectres, The Late Late Late Show, and Bee Coffee

Day Zero – So, I’ve hit the “headings with commentary” stage sooner than I expected to.

“Hey, Cool Shirt”, and Pallet trucks on carpet kind of suck
Before I made it into the central bit of Gen Con at the ICC (which I think of everything East of the Crossroads Concourse), one of the proprietors of Off World Designs spotted my LonCon3 shirt, so we did the whole Good Luck For The Con/Hope You Enjoy Yourself thing. (Off World Designs do shirts and other merchandise for a huge number of cons, so their stuff, & they, get around)
Shortly afterwards, while ambling around before the VIG lounge opened, I passed someone from Upper Deck heading in the other direction with a big-ass pallet of boxes on one of those unpowered pallet truck things.
A short while later I passed him again, he’d not made it that much further, so offered to help.

Did I mention that those things suck on carpet?
It’s very hard to gain, or keep, momentum, so we went with a process of taking one half of the handle each, leaning into it, and going full steam ahead. It worked, though a few calls of “We’re not stopping” were needed, and we did end up on a collision course with the previously mentioned Off Worlds person; Fortunately, she seemed to understand the need for constant forward movement, and dodged.

We achieved our objective.


Catching up with Tom & Stacy, and general hanging out
Ran into Tom & Stacy in one of the hamster tubes (didn’t have the pallet truck by this point; we couldn’t have got it up the escalator anyway), and after a brief diversion to get water, sat & talked until the urge to wander past the VIG Lounge got too strong, so we did, even though it didn’t open until noon.
Except they’d organised themselves faster than expected, possibly due to lack of Swag Bags, so they’d opened at 10-ish.

Sadly, they had no furniture beyond the various desks, so after sorting out our stuff on the floor, I dropped off my stuff at the JW & we sat in the lobby for a while, until the hear & tiredness required naps, or at least even more air-con.


Meeting Frank, getting lunch
Some time later I met up with Frank, mostly by accident, so we ambled off to the foodcourt to hunt down a food.
(sometime in there I was able to identify a My Little Pony costume he’d seen as Rainbow Dash, making it about 20% cooler than other costumes)
Steve & Monica showed up sometime between ordering & food, followed some time later by someone whose name I’ve forgotten, who has something to do with a promotional event happening at the Indianapolis Zoo. As a note, the phrase “Everything’s Open” when referring to a zoo makes people like me think that there will be events like “Can gamers outrun lions?” and “Roll to dodge monkey poo”.


Hitting The Stink
I was able to try Vegemite Chocolate, thanks to the GenCon U.N. folks.

Yeah. That’s a thing I have now done. Crossed off the list.

The Stink was kind of loud. They went with a Hunger Games theme with this one, which meant frequent announcements about which randomly-assigned District had been eliminated.
This is something I’ve often found amusing/annoying about geek social events; There’s the stated plan to set up an event where people can meet, talk, play games, etc., and then the environment is such that every ten minutes or so, all of that is interrupted so that you can listen to someone you’re not talking to & can’t see.


Tom & Stacy & I wandered off to get dinner, which is pretty easy with a mall foodcourt nearby.

Post-dinner, and after some rambling & wrangling with air conditioning systems, Tom & I ended up back in the JW Lobby, up on the third level, going through the coupon book to see what looked interesting, and where the various booths we wanted to visit could be found.
In my case this was “Scattered From One End Of The Hall To The Other”, but this worked out OK, as I had a pretty short list of must-visits, and on the day I’d already spent $100 before I needed to look at the wee map to figure out where to go next.

Sometime before the JW, we were looking in the display cases outside the dealer hall, and I noticed something called Mysterium.
I know almost nothing about it, other than that the cards & game pieces on display were very pretty, so I may need to take a closer look.
Yes, actually, I am that shallow with my potential purchases.
(that said, the pieces & cards I found on a quick web-search don’t look quite the same, so maybe what’s there is a deluxe version, or something prettied-up for display)

2015 VIG Swag – Yeah, I’ve got luggage problems


This looks kind of interesting


The game of watching your friends dance for your amusement


An insulated bag, from Mayfair


Gonna need some bubblewrap


I have no idea what these are


Does anyone out there play the Pathfinder Adventure Card Came? This is an add-on to it.


Can also be used as a regular deck of cards


This one I actually WILL read an article in – I saw a display of Mysterium, and know little about it, save that it is pretty.


Pathfinder Players?


Another satchel. I’m kind of liking the one from last year though; It has a laptop pocket big enough to hold my tablet inside it’s case.


Ortus Regni bag – The con is crawling with these; They did a mass giveaway at the Will Call area, and the Battlelore game in the swag came in one.

2014 VIG Swag – I have no clue what some of this is


Castle Print, on fabric


Looks to be a portion of a set of game rules, also on fabric, so I figure it goes with the castle


This one I recognise; Paizo Goblin Critter Thing


Mostly advertising & catalogue on the inside, but there are some features so that people can claim to be reading it for the articles


VIG 2014 Dog Tag, a belt loop thing from Utilikilts, a pretty stone, notepad having something to do with Catan, and dice from Bee Coffee (the D6) & The Stink. (D10 which, because it was the 11th Stink, goes to 11)







Day Three – Under The Remorseless Assault Of The Day-Star

I started today with some plans to go and do tourist things, but a walk to find the CVS demonstrated just what I was in for.
I did do a lap of the State Capitol building, to see whether I could spot a sign for tours of the building (according to the website they do happen), but couldn’t spot one, and the heat & humidity were getting pretty bad, so I inhaled a litre of water & retreated back to the land of air-con.
Naturally, I wandered through the ICC, to see what had changed. Quite a lot more signage, and a number of the company-specific rooms were being set up

Wall Hanging at Gen Con 2015, possibly having to do with Ortus Regni. (which I have probably spelled wrong)

Wall Hanging at Gen Con 2015, possibly having to do with Ortus Regni. (which I have probably spelled wrong)

I'm not really sure what this is about, but it looks Very Piratical

I’m not really sure what this is about, but it looks Very Piratical

Coming from a bitterly cold Auckland winter into an impressively, oppressively hot Indiana summer, combined with jet-lag, is doing an excellent job of kicking my ass for me. 🙂

the awesome feeling of sleeping well

Sometime in the afternoon Steven & Monica got in from Chicago (or maybe Chicago-ish?), so we met up in the lobby of their hotel, where they presented me with a bag of the stuff from last year’s VIG swag bag.

2014 VIG Swag-Bag Contents

2014 VIG Swag-Bag Contents

Frank turned up after work, and after a shuffling of cars out to the suburbs so that Steve & Moni weren’t paying $40 a day for hotel parking, we went to dinner at Bonefish in … some suburb. I have no idea where it is.
“Indianapolis somewhere” is my best guess.

It was a good night, and involved birthday cake (Monica had a birthday).

There’s not really a lot more to be said about the evening; We were joined by Mac (who is the chap who got my VIG badge last year), and later Kevin (who is a friend of Frank’s).
I’m not 100% sure when the evening broke up, but I think I got back to the hotel a bit after 11pm.

Day Two – So. Many. Show. Notes.

3am, my old nemesis; We meet again.
But this time, the advantage is … Well, still yours.

I slept until about 9:30, which seemed OK at the time, but here at the wrong side of 3am, seems like a mistake.

The only thing I had to do today was the shownotes on Big Red Couch episode 59, and they got done, though took a while.
The rough cut of the episode was 2.5 hours long, and notes take me maybe 1.5 times the episode length to do on a good day, so that’s basically what I did today.

I did take a walk through the ICC to see what had changed since yesterday.
The Will Call, Event Reg., Customer Service, and Badge Reg. kiosks and signs are up, along with the little fences for queue management.
There are rows of tables going up in the boardgaming halls.
The curtains between the … plots? allotments? stalls? … in the Exhibit Hall are going up, as are the banners hanging over the aisles.

Got a call in the evening from folks in Chicago-ish; Moni & Steven get into town sometime on Tuesday afternoon, so there are plans made there.

So, that was my day.
Maybe should have gotten out more, if that’s the reason I’m still awake. Alarm’s set, so we won’t be having a repeat of the 9:30am incident.

sleep is overrated

Root Beer, Cellphones, Cavernous Halls & Alterna-VIG; Wrapping Up Day One

Once I got to my room, I had a lot of shower, because I really needed it.
Felt much better afterwards, so I took a walk to the mall through a mostly-empty Convention Centre to see whether I could find a cellphone SIM card; Turns out I could, so I’ve got calls & texts for the trip sorted. As a bonus, it’s on my iPhone, so I won’t be double-phoning it this year.

Got a call from Tom, who’s up to his eyeballs in work, so we’ve worked out approximate plans for when he & Stacy get in on Wednesday, mostly of the form “Give me a yell when you hit town, and I’ll wander over”.
No wrong numbers yet, but last Gen Con’s “Are You Available To Work Security Tonight?” text is going to take some beating.

In the wake of that trip, I can report that it is hot & humid out there, and that air-con is a good thing.

Frank came by in the afternoon, so we ambled through the ICC, partially to see what was happening this far out from the event (will call & other booths mostly set up) and partially to hit the mall food court, where I was able to try cheese curds (kind of a fried mozzarella stick, in this case) and a root beer. (tastes similar to when you put ice-cream in Coke, at least to my taste buds)
Basically we sat around & talked and did that thing where you’ve not seen someone for a couple of years, so the conversation sort of wanders in all sorts of odd directions.

Looping back through the ICC, we were able to peer into what will be the Exhibit/Dealer hall, and is currently an enormous sauna because the air-con isn’t on yet.
That is a huge space. I mean, it’s bigger than it was the last time I was here, but without all of the dealer stuff, it looks ridiculously large, like it’d be impossible to fill it. And yet that’ll happen.

Oh, and some of the signage is up.

Attempting to give the impression that I know a damn thing about Catan

Attempting to give the impression that I know a damn thing about Catan

Back at the hotel, we sat around in the bar, as is the way of things, and ended up chatting to a couple of the former VIG Lounge Volunteers, who have moved on to be involved in a sort of “High End Con Experience” thing they’re starting up.

My understanding is filtered through a very tired brain, so bear that in mind, but the idea seems to be to have tailored convention experiences, adding onto what’s already at the con.
I’d initially thought that they were talking about an operation which would essentially take over providing Very Important Gamer stuff at cons, but this proved to be completely wrong. This looks to be an externally-provided thing, with such things as a concierge option, and exclusive events,  and that sort of thing.

The idea that a person might not even need to have a con badge, because all of the con stuff would come to them, was mentioned a few times, and the more I think about that, the more it feels like their target is People With Money Who Want To Have Gone To A Con, But Don’t Want To Actually Go.
That, and it feels like they’re basing a business on Ghosting the con. This year they’re apparently setting up in the mall, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t going to check that out, but being off-site and having nothing to do with Gen Con looks kind of parasitic to me; Piggybacking on Gen Con’s popularity & advertising.

In any case, I suspect that their services are not my sort of thing.
I got a VIG badge the first time because it guarantees that my hotel is sorted, and that I’ll get, if not exactly what I want, something that will easily do what I need. The VIG lounge is nice, the free drinks and swag are nice, the early-entry to the Cavernous Realm Of Things To Buy is nice, but the hotel room is why I have the badge.

Anyway, it’s 5am here, I got to bed at 9-ish and slept through to 3-ish, so I’m going to try for some more sleep.
See you tomorrow, Internet.

And At 9:17, My Room Was Ready

OK, I’mma gonna warn you in advance; This’ll have a lot of frankly annoying praise of the JW Marriott Indianapolis.

Email saying that my room was ready arrived at 9:17.
Said room was, in fact ready, and because I was the first identified Gen Con person to check in, they gave me some of last year’s JW Marriott dice that they hand out on check-out. (which I don’t get because I’m checking out after the Gen Con period is over)

JW Marriott 2014 Gen Con Dice

JW Marriott 2014 Gen Con Dice

Oh, and the view from the room’s not bad either.

Indiana Convention Centre, as seen from my hotel room

Indiana Convention Centre, as seen from my hotel room

And now, I’m going to go and have a very long shower.

And possibly store the clothing I’ve been wearing for a long damn time in a lead casket, so that it can be buried in a salt flat, lest it rise to exact it’s vengeance upon the world.
That can happen; Saw it in a movie once.

Sitting Quietly In An Airport That Looks Like A Mall, Letting The Air-Con Sink In, All The Way Down To My Bones

Writing offline on my phone, due to laziness & the sheer amount of stuff piled atop Pangur Ban in my carry-on.

I got myself a ticket on the $10 shuttlebus into Indianapolis, but didn’t pay enough attention to note that the service starts at 8am, so I had a couple of hours to kill.
So be it; It’s not like the airport offers much less than the lobby of the JW Marriott. There’s a Starbucks, air-con, and somewhere to sit.
The JW probably also offers wifi & somewhere to stash a suitcase, but I’m doing OK without for the moment.

Found myself nodding off a fair bit at LAX while waiting for my flight, and managed to sleep a little on the flight itself. Only a little; I still re-watched Big Hero 6, an episode of what turns out to be a US remake of ‘Wilfred’, and a bit of Guardians Of The Galaxy.
I wish I could sleep on big planes.

Ended up with only 2 people in a 3-seat row, so we had room, which was nice.

Was still dark when the plane got in, and it’s light out there now, though I can’t tell whether it’s overcast, or there’s just a tint on the windows making everything grey.

The rough plan for today is to get _to_ the hotel, wait around there until I can get into my room, and have a very long shower. By my estimate, it’ll be 40 hours in the same clothes at a bare minimum by the time I make it to the hotel.
Hopefully will be catching up with Frank sometime this afternoon, though that may fall foul of jetlag & busy, depending on how our respective days go. Fingers crossed.

Didn’t bring a book with me, so I’m reading a copy of “The Roadside Picnic” on my phone.
It was either that or “Shark Ship”, and I’ve finished that before.

~~ time passes ~~

In the fullness of time I made it to the shuttlebus, and thence to the JW, where, because it was 8:40ish, they did not have a room for me.
This seems fair; Checkout isn’t until 11.

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