Episode Forty Four – Gravity Princess

Gravity Princess

  • The lives, loves, trials, & tribulations of the crew, and sometimes the passengers, of the space-liner Gravity Princess as they travel from system to system
  • In a highly stratified space habitat, a group of people from wildly different social classes must work together to get their ‘princess’ back to where she belongs
  • A starship built from a hollowed-out asteroid travels the universe, rescuing lost spacecraft & giving the rescued a place to live. Nobody knows who built it, or why
  • Princess Gravity and the Curvature Squad!

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Episode Forty Three – They Fight Crime!

They Fight Crime!


Craig and Ben, the approximately dynamic duo, once again battle the forces of lawlessness and and anarchy in the safest and most ineffectual way imaginable!

The fate of millions is decided by pop-culture references, RPG plot notions, and tips for keeping your games together for long enough for your players to unravel their mysteries.

Also, bonus cross-over Johntent for the previous episode fuses the unholy power of lethal mathematics and petting zoos into a spine-chilling concoction!


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Episode Forty Two – Everypony! It’s The Singularity!

In which Ben imagines a post-singularity world whose inhabitants don’t really understand it, Craig turns everyone into pastel ponies, Gulo T. comes up with another dreadful pun, and Taz suggests undead linebackers.

We did have Johntent for this one, but I managed to complete fail to notice the email; Sorry, John – Craig

Episode Forty One – In Other News, Florida Woman Has Left Florida Man For Yellowknife Man. Child Of No Fixed Abode Is Now A Ward Of The State.

Tabloid reporters compete to get the worst possible headline past their editors.
Superheros are allocated based on a regional franchise system, but what happens when one of them just up and moves?
Handling & covering up the shenanigans of a family of dysfunctional superheros.
A Reality-TV superhero elimination competition.
In the post-war future, disputes of all kinds are settled at Murderbowl. … Seriously, people, it’s just a name.

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Episode Forty – Death Of The Fridge

A cryo-prison begins to break down, and the inmates are thawing out; Not all of them seem like the sort of folks who belong in a place like this.

After an apocalypse, a cryo-prison becomes the first bastion of civilization, much to the surprise of the inmates

The Machines Of Graceless Self-Loathing: Post-human entities try to work together to overthrow their fleshy overlords.

The Brave Little Toaster; Murder Mystery Edition

A footballer dies in the middle of a game, in the middle of the field, with nobody near him, for no discernible reason.

Victims of crappy writing return to the living world to settle their affairs & seek revenge.

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In Which The Audient Speaks

Important missives from Our Audient.


Voluntary Wolf Eugenics, the Role-playing Adventure!

A deep-sea expedition trawls up a horrifying mystery, with disastrous ramifications.

Neolithic societies strive to reap the benefits, and avoid the perils, of advancing their cultures.

Build the perfect predator and prey…   …for your rival and yourself respectively, of course.

Music Lovers Revolt against the alien Trillz!

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Episode Thirty Nine – But Others Were Reluctant To Leave: “There are still things we can do from China; They have not even found the device”, Said One Woman

But Others Were Reluctant To Leave:

A great empire sends out envoys to demonstrate their wealth and power, but do they hide an even more dangerous threat?

A “numbers station”, which once broadcast cryptic strings of seemingly random numbers suddenly starts calling for help.

A long buried army is stealthily getting into position to a face a foretold foe.

Time travelers try to recover a rogue device before rewrites their own present.

A wave of deadly radiation is heading towards earth, and in the limited time left to them a group of rescuers try to reconcile their conflicting priorities.

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Episode Thirty Eight – Criminal Investigation: Partnership Between NTT and DoCoMo – Single Op

Criminal Investigation: Partnership Between NTT and DoCoMo - Single Op

Two members of a futuristic oligarchy are merging into a single entity.  Are you on side or the other, or stuck in the middle?

A tale of self-inflated functionaries deludedly struggling to bring epic meaning to their existence.

Competing Telecos race to circle the global in their digital embrace.

Neutral ground for mobsters and law enforcement becomes enmeshed in conspiracy between both factions.

Giant networks fuse to defend the earth. Foiling dark rituals and the interminable project meetings may claim many lives.

Space Police!

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Episode Thirty Seven – Who’s Afraid Of The Big Bad Woolf?

Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Woolf?


Undead writers have risen from the grave to avenge their butchered screenplays.

A terrifying hybrid of predator and prey hides among its targets as they try to appeal to its oblivious creator.

An enigmatic television personalities dual life involves some very hardball interviews and terrible secrets.

A Fairy tale support group band together to confront the bane of their lives, and live with the consequences of that act.

An invasion of false gods or incompetent aliens? Humanity has some house-cleaning to do, either way.

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Episode Thirty Six – Caveman Scientists

Unfortunately, we’ve seen a reoccurance of the audio gremlins from last episode and they have gotten somewhat larger.

That’s what happens when you feed them, sadly.

We’ve had our best Caveman Sound Engineers have a look at it, and they have recovered what they can, considering they have been dead for more than 10 thousand years.

T. Jones

Caveman Scientists


A colony ship floats above a verdant world, trying to land its technologically backslid crew before the systems finally fail.

Genetically adapted explorers struggling with the unfamiliar bodies which now house their advanced intellects.

A quest to reignite the fire of rational thought and measure the span of a shattered world, perhaps reuniting it along the way.

A competition of Neolithic invention, competing technology start-ups, and terrible, terrible Hubris.

Time travelers studying their own distant ancestors, or are they becoming them?

Primitive chrononauts battle devious dinosaurs through time, altering history in unexpected and worrying ways.

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