
We at The Big Red Couch are pleased to announce a major milestone today.

Come hot on the hells of evidence that we have An Audient comes our very-first spambot.

It’s official: WE HAVE ARRIVED.

We’ve also been getting useful feedback on the ‘casts so far, including some suggestions for handling audio differently.  These might take a while to filter in as we figure out how to implement the suggestions, but stay tuned.

Episode Two – Mexico Is Missing An Island

…in which we take enormous liberties with Geography, History, and International Politics, along with discussing ideas as broad and varied as wandering great-souled islands exploring the world, folk heroes gathering from across time, Emperor Norton’s vision-quests, and punching the giant Ugly Fish.

As part of the ongoing evolution of The Big Red Couch, we tried something different this time and actually researched our ideas, which meant the vibe was a little different this time, and some ideas were similar.

We’ve had some great feedback on our first episode which we are incorporating into future episodes, including suggestions for handling audio differently!  Of course, given that we’re very organised for once and have an extensive buffer organised ahead of time, you won’t see the impact of the feedback for a while.  Even so, we’re Very Excited About It.

Here are some links to stuff we nattered about

Episode One – Alcatraz

So, here it is.

Our first ‘proper’ episode.

Hope y’all like it.

It features concepts inspired by the seed idea of “Alcatraz,” and presents ghost stories, time travel, super-powered shenanigans involving Victorian prison ships, and SPAAAACE.  Also discussions of My Little Prison-Break and Canterlot’s Ass-Phrenologists.

Here are some links to stuff we nattered about

Mission Statement

Have you ever wanted to get involved in running tabletop roleplaying games and thought “But I have no ideas!”?

The Big Red Couch is designed to show exactly how easy it is to get from random notions that stick in your mind to playable concepts, all through the medium of the kind of casually weird spitballing that gamers engage in at the best of times.

In every issue, the intrepid contributors to the Big Red Couch brave the noisome wonders of The Mystery Box to produce a randomly-selected seed idea, then return Some Time Later to share what they came up with and discuss how those concepts might work as games.

If we can do it, anyone can: that’s the whole idea.

Along the road, we discuss what RPG systems might work for implementing different concepts, together with reasons how or why. This frequently involves adaptation of systems from their original settings to the point where they creak under the strain.

We plan for a fortnightly-ish release schedule for the podcast.

If you want to contribute yourselves and see how the denizens of the Big Red Couch handle concepts that appeal to you, feel free to add your own sticky nuggets of creativity to The Mystery Box. (I Have An Idea!)

We’re new to podcasting and so you will see changes to the site and format as we ourselves evolve, along with (hopefully) ongoing improvements to quality.

Correspondingly, feedback and suggestions from our Audient are always welcome. (I Have An Opinion!)