A collection of Travel & Gaming & “What’s On My Mind” posts
First, and most important, stop of the day was the Tower Of London. Finding the Tower was pretty easy; It’s not like they’ve hidden it, and the throngs of people taking photos of the big stone castle are a bit…
Longitude, Steampunk, & The Kerberos Club
Today, though at the time of writing it’s actually yesterday, involved a trip to the Greenwich Observatory, primarily because of this; Seen in a slightly more comprehensible form here; It took me a while to get moving in the morning,…
Over The Irish Sea
I don’t know why I bother setting an alarm; I’m always awake 20 minutes before the bloody thing anyway, even if I don’t want to be. Packing up the last of the room went well, as far as I know,…
Water’s Important For Making Guinness; Why’s It All Falling Out Of The Sky Then?
Today’s big thing was visiting this place, Where I had one of these, It was a pretty slow start to the morning, and I spent a bunch of it sitting in the lobby on the comfy chairs, trying to summon…
Shamrokon Day Three – Zombies And Monorails And Book Purchases
I normally avoid map-making panels* at cons for professional reasons, but thought I’d try the one here. This was a mistake, but not for the usual reasons of Really Bad Maps and Really Bad Advice; This one was just Really…
Shamrokon, Day Two – Doctor Who, Rawhead Rex, and Le Fanu
A bit of a mixed bag on today’s events. Kids With Jobs, talking about the need to get YA protagonists away from Family & Mentors, unless you want to end up writing a school story. The panel spent a lot…
Shamrokon, Day One – Can You Feel The Blarney?
I started this con in the usual manner, by waking up too early & being unable to get back to sleep. I killed some time responding to, or at least reading, the pertinent bits of yesterday’s email barrage, most of…
Some Old Book In An Old Library. Also, Leprechauns
So, what to do with my first day in Dublin? Based on my wanderings last night, it looks like the hotel was being entirely honest when they said that the City Centre was walking distance away, so that’ll help. I’m…
Train To Dublin
It’s like a Train To Malta in some respects, .., I didn’t sleep well last night, probably due to concern about getting to my train on time. On the positive side, that did give me the opportunity to watch a…
And Now, Some News From Indianapolis
rather than just blasting out the whole email, which was … long … , here are the highlights Gen Con Attributes Record-Breaking 2014 Numbers to Growing Partnership between Gamers and Indianapolis Community INDIANAPOLIS (August 19, 2014) Gen Con 2014, completed…
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