Trees Hate Us; They’ve found ways to influence people & get into their thoughts, and now, not even paper is safe
The forests are desperately trying to redress an imbalance, but from a human point of view that looks a whole lot like people up and vanishing into the woods.
Big Paulie’s crew ended up owning the forest as part of a failed development scam, and when Carmine took over, he used it as a tax dodge and carbon credit scam, with a sideline as a Christmas Tree farm. Turns out that Big Paulie monetised corpse disposal for half the state, and those justifiably pissed-off ghosts have started escaping from their unmarked graves by hitching rides on the Christmas Trees planted over their bodies.
A group of total strangers who are distresingly familiar to each other attempt to work out what disaster befel their city, why they feel like they had something to do with it, and whether it could happen again.
The Universe is broken, the backup is corrupted, and you’re trying to rebuild from your own hazy memories of what it was like. And maybe sneak in some improvements at the same time.
The Social Collateral system rewards helpful deeds & improves efficiency by ensuring that nobody can forget a task. And yet it feels like that’s what’s happening, even though the system says it isn’t.
The World’s Greatest Genius needs a retinue of people to keep them on track & remind them to wear pants, and to stop anyone finding out that this is the case. That’s where you come in.
Auto-Targeting systems mean that if you look human, and are a combatant, you get hit; The only defense is camoflage which obscures the human form. In these dark times, Furries are our only hope for survival.
Airship Pirates stage raids on the Politico-Corporate Empire of the Mouse, rebroadcasting IP to anyone with the will to watch it and concealing their identities by wearing the cartoonish heads of the oppressor.
The AI cast members at the theme park became a vital part of the experience; A wild assortment of characters you could talk to who would always remember your name and were always happy to see you. Then things fell apart, and the people stopped coming, and the cast members found themselves without anything to do. So they went out to find out where the guests had gone.
Rather than put people in unconvincing suits, the Theme Park uses modified people, but for everyone who is convincing enough to be a star, there are many who just don’t make the grade. They can get some work, but they’ll never break out of the Park Ghetto of the not-quite-right. Now that one of them has gone rogue and is committing unspeakable crimes in their shanty town, it’s up to a “goofy-looking” PI to find them and stop them.
Little Robots, Big World – The Gutter Skypes This was a multi-episode game run by Trilobite; Links to the MP3 for the episodes as follows ~ T. Jones 190 191 193 195
(Regarding the “crude graffiti”, there is a story from Walt’s youth (recounted above at 20:55) which often involves mentions of corporal punishment. The Tank Riot crew briefly infer that it was subject rather than the permanence of the medium that inspired his fathers wrath. And then they repeated it as a running gag for the following decade. They are a true inspiration. ~ T. Jones)
Trapped by the snow, the handful of passengers on a stranded air-liner find themselves retreading a classic story.
A Jovian gas extraction platform unexpectedly loses communication with it’s drill-head deep in the atmosphere below. Has the far end met with technical malfunction, a mutiny by the crew (or machinery), or something more sinister?
The first summit between the zombie nation and the terrified world that quarantined it is already off to a rocky start, so when a conspiracy is uncovered by a bi-partisan team of organisers they realise they will have to act to preserve the fruits of their work.
Couch-Hoppers – A mysterious ‘game’ found in a thrift store couch leads to hours of fun as you try to navigate alternate universes to find your way home.
Our Alternate Feed – A podcast discovers episodes they never made, in which people who sound and act just like them discuss events that never happened and things that don’t exist.
Remembering Big Red – A year after local surfing legend Greg “Big Red” Couch vanished while night surfing, people gather to remember him, and reflect on the year gone by.
Taz suggests a solo hex-crawler about exploring & prospecting to supply a newly founded colony.
“We have to remake the world in order to save it” isn’t a situation that anyone wanted to get to, but once we found ourselves at that point, it’s understandable that the panicked re-making might not go 100% as planned. Now, hand me that update for equine bio-accumulation & oxygen transport, and we’ll see whether we can get your donkey feeling better.
A group of folks transformed into beasts of burden come up with a cunning scheme to get greedy knuckleheads to drag them, braying and kicking, into the locations they’re cursed not to be able to approach.
Time travellers attempting to blend in run into problems when they don’t know that they’re not using the right language.
Cheesy 80’s Kids Shows, where sly end-of-episode comments are a private joke between the protagonists and the audience.
Corporate executives combine the powers of their ludicrously expensive watches to form … Captain OfIndustry!
Backwards & Ford: Gerald Ford travels through time, possibly with a team of plucky youngsters, righting wrongs & setting history straight. (Possibly battling Evil Nixon in an effort to restore Good Nixon, or maybe subtly influencing the timeline to produce the best possible Nixon )
A group of police officers notice that the weirdness they’re seeing matches elements from their theological or cultural backgrounds. Many different cultural or theological backgrounds.
When aliens issue a challenge for dominance, electric cart jousting is the only logical option.
Personifications of games emerge when the need is greatest to rally the forces of gamers in battle against an Alien Menace.
Alien Invaders arrive, looking for the most loyal representative of Earth to battle for dominance in a symbolic competition. Owing to poor translation skills and the inability to imagine that anyone might do things differently, they’ve found the Gen Con booth of Stalwart Games, who are about to have a very weird day.
A Meeple-Shaped spacecraft has crashed in through the roof of LucasOil stadium, and the invading forces are streaming out to take over. The MiBs are responding, but they need time, so it’d up to the Gen Con attendees to divert, confuse, distract, and possibly subvert the alien menace to buy that time.
The woefully underfunded members of the TZMP (Tserkovnyye Zashchitniki Moskovskogo Patriarkhata) must walk a line between keeping a low profile, maintaining interdepartmental peace with the uncanny Night Watch, and the disapproval of the authorities, while still managing to thwart the forces of Hell.
Your multi-denominational precinct of peace officers work diligently to maintain law and order, though your task may find you crossing into “differently-Holy” ground.
Odd-couple detective partnerships are a classic trope, but when one of the pair is a literal angel the cases they handle tend to involve obscure prophesy and dire omens.