Episode One Hundred And Seventy One – It’s a Mad Max Utopia!

Be Our Guest? – Ever since the actual apocalypse, the Hosts at the Apocalypse World park really haven’t had a lot to do. Now that some Guests in dire need of help have arrived, a group of ‘wasteland marauders’ and ‘besieged remnants of civilization’ have to figure out how to bypass their own programmed scripts so that they can keep those Guests alive & get them to SOME kind of safety.

When The Wind In The Willows – Cute animals in their V8 Interceptors & War Rigs travel in search of a possibly mythical better place, with clean water and non-radioactive food.

Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Max World! – With his last breath, Max pointed everyone at the utopia somewhere over the mountains. Now the race is on to get there & claim it.


Episode One Hundred And Sixty Two – Ruins Of The Ancients

The Sphere of Various Dooms: Terrible things are locked away for a reason.
World-destroying remnants of technology are put where they can’t get out.
And now the only hope to save yourselves lies somewhere inside the one place that nobody wants to go.

OAP Apocalypse World – Retirees with limited funds, mobility, and current-day knowledge venture out into the modern world, in search of adventure, or just something better than the retirement home.

Little People, Giant World – Miniature humans exploring the world outside of their home discover the truths & the misunderstandings of their own past.

Combat Xenoarcheology – Looking for relics of previous civilizations, battling other xenoarchaeologists, and trying not to to let the things you find kill you or destroy the galaxy.


Episode One Hundred and Fifty Nine – Apartments Of Catan

Emerging from the shelters and expecting to find a world ravaged by centuries of disaster and destruction, the bunker-folk instead find themselves in the overgrown gardens of a apartment block megastructure; An impossibly tall vertical city, clearly damaged by whatever catastrophe people headed underground to avoid, but still standing, and with some work, still habitable.
And not entirely uninhabited.

Your role in society is both necessary & tightly proscribed.
What you do is vital, and part of a bigger system of interlocking roles, but the Gods are capricious, and success can be as much a matter of luck as of skill.
If everyone would just cooperate, things would be fine, but … That’s really not how people work.

Housing Project: The Managing
These innovative community dwellings will greatly improve the lives of the people who’ll live in them, and if the embedded AI systems can organise the right resources and deal with the problems encountered along the way, maybe they’ll get the chance.
Of course, with the number of things that’re going wrong, some of those embedded AIs are starting to wonder whether there’s something else at play here.

The new ( and only ) residents of an apartment block find themselves trapped by vanishing hallways & bewildered by the regular deliveries of lumber, paving stones, hay, and … sheep?
If they can combine their resources, maybe they can find a way out, or at least move the damn sheep into the inexplicable fields in the apartment next door.
